Chapter 62

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Jack ran from the protest as quickly as he could. He ran to the only place he could think of, his penthouse.

He knew he wasn't allowed to leave the school without a parent or guardian's permission but it wasn't like he had either of those.

He had hopped on the first bus that came and got on without a second thought to the consequences.

When he finally arrived in Manhattan he got off the bus and headed straight for the rooftop he called his home.

He had just shut down all of his emotions once he left the school and it was starting to take its toll on him.

When he arrived to the rooftop he couldn't hold them all in any more and the aqueducts that had been holding his tears back burst.

He lost it when he saw some of Crutchie's bedding across from him.

He regretted leaving them without an explanation, but most of all he regretted the things he'd done in the past.

He'd done what was needed for them to survive. Loads of bread, fruit and sometimes even medicines for Crutchie.

Usually he'd have been lucky enough to not get caught but he'd been stupid and went to get more and got caught.

He went over to Crutchie's bedding and hugged his things trying to imagine he was there with him.

Meanwhile, at the school the Newsies were looking everywhere they could for Jack.

They had checked all of the dorms and their general living area with no luck.

They had even gone as far to check some of the cleaner's area.

After they had checked every nook and cranny of the school they started to worry.

Once it got dark they got even more worried. The school was surrounded by woods and who knew what could be in them.

The night ended and the next day rolled around and when Jack made no appearance it just made them all more worried.

The next few days went on like this until they received a letter from Jack telling them all he was okay. It was fairly blunt and made them all worry even more.

Davey and Crutchie were awake one evening late.

They both missed Jack more so than the others.

"What if he was kidnapped and they made him write the letter," Davey said suddenly.

"I doubt he's been kidnapped. They'd have gotten sick of him by now if he was," Crutchie joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Davey just nodded but Crutchie could tell he wasn't fully reassured.

Crutchie gave him a hug which Davey was more than happy to receive.

"I promise you that we're going to find him," he said in the hug.

"I'm just so worried," Davey whispered into the younger boy's shoulder. "What if he isn't okay. None of us, except you, knew about it so he clearly wanted it to be a secret."

Crutchie sighed and thought for a few seconds before deciding what to say.

"Jack and I have known each other since we were young and have lived together for most of that time," he explained. "And until a couple of years ago, we were barely getting by and my leg had been acting up so Jack would steal thing, food, medicine, whatever we needed."

Davey could see he was starting to get emotional so he rubbed his arm to comfort him.

"Then he got caught and it just got worse. It wasn't until we found the rooftop that things started to turn around. It's become a place of comfort for us both."

It was then Davey's turn to give Crutchie a hug. They stayed like that for a while before Crutchie pulled away quickly.

"Jack's at the penthouse."

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