Chapter 56

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TW: Mention of murder

The Newsies were sitting in the common room as they did for essentially 80% of their time in the school.

Everyone was there since the Sunday prior had been a visiting day.

Jack and Davey were sitting suspiciously close to each other and some of the other Newsies, besides Race and Crutchie, were starting to become suspicious.

Once everyone was there and not trying to murder each other over a game of poker they decided to tell them about it.

They could have explained while the game was still going on considering it was Race, Albert and JoJo who were playing and they already knew the news but they didn't.

Jack sat them all down in a circle like they would at story time in Kindergarten. He just didn't scream at them if they didn't sit criss-cross-apple-sauce.

Once they had all stopped chatting and speculating why he had gotten the to sit like that he finally steadied to explain.

He got Race, Albert and JoJo to explain them breaking into his office and once they got to where they showed it to him and Davey took over.

They all sat there in silence for the best part of half an hour trying to wrap their heads around the information they had just received.

Eventually, Davey broke the silence. "I know that this isn't the most ideal thing to find out but Pulitzer doesn't know that we know so we can go on acting like normal for the time being."

It took a while for Davey to convince that it'd be okay and that it wasn't the end of the world but they did  eventually agree.

They were about to go back to what they had been doing prior to the explanation when Romeo spoke up.

"You know what else we need to talk about? What's going on with Jack and Davey because there's something going on between them for sure."

All the Newsies turned around to face the pair and Race and Crutchie shared a knowing look.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked in most unconvincing voice ever.

"Don't expect me to believe the bull crap, and look, Davey is almost sitting on your lap," he pointed out. "Or is that just a coincidence."

Davey and Jack blushed while they shared a look and scooted away from each other.

Race shot Crutchie a look that said 'I'm about to end this man's whole career'. Crutchie just shook his head while laughing.

"I'd have to agree with Romeo, I saw you holding hands when we were going to Ms. Medda. And don't you dare say that it was just friendly."

Davey looked panicked, like he always did when confronted, and Jack just looked calm, like he also always did when confronted while he was actually freaking the flip out inside.

They looked at each other for about the millionth time that day and shared a silent conversation.

Jack wanted to tell the Newsies about them while Davey was more apprehensive to tell them.

He knew they wouldn't judge but it was in his nature to worry about everything.

The rest of the Newsies stood there not knowing what to do.

Their silent conversation went on for a little while before Davey finally caved.

"We started dating a bit before the Winter Exams and all those times we said we were doing work we were actually having dates," they explained taking different parts to explain.

The Newsies were all thrilled to hear that their plan had worked, not really but let them dream, in getting them together.

Race started chanting 'kiss' and the rest of them were quick to join.

Jack and Davey turned to each other and shared a look before Jack pulled him in for a kiss.

To say the rest of the Newsies went ballistic would be an understatement.

649 words

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