Chapter 65

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Davey was woken up in the middle of the night by sobs from Jack.

At first he thought he was imagining things but then he remembered the events of the previous night.

He immediately went into over protective mode and wrapped his arms around Jack.

"Are you okay?" he whispered to him.

He noticed that everything about him stopped for a second before he rolled around.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," he whispered back while burying his face into the crook of Davey's neck.

"It's okay. I'll never have a problem with you waking me up."

He started running his hands through Jack's hair when he felt him wince.

"Where does it hurt?" he asked while kissing Jack on the head, trying to ease some of his pain.

"My head hurts and I still feel like I'm going to vomit."

It broke Davey's heart to see Jack like this.

"Do you think you're going to vomit or does it just feel like you will?" Davey was starting to worry.

He'd never seen Jack like this and it upset him to see him acting so unlike himself.

Jack just shrugged and buried himself further into Davey's neck.

"You'll be okay, we've got a doctors appointment booked for you. They'll give you what you need to feel better," Davey reassured him.

Jack sat up. "No, I don't want you to have to spend money on me. It's just a bump, I'll be fine."

Davey pulled him back down into his arms.

"I don't care if it's just a bump. I'd rather have overreacted and it be nothing than not reacted enough and it be serious," Jack smiled into Davey's shoulder.

He liked getting looked after by Davey.

He'd never admit that to another living person though.

They both fell back asleep in each other's arms and stayed like that until Davey's mother woke them up half an hour before Jack's appointment.

It took much convincing but he finally gave in and agreed to let them take him on the agreement that Davey would come for comfort.

The appointment went as well as you can imagine.

Jack refused to let the doctor near him at first. He had had bad experiences with doctors and was generally opposed to them.

Davey had to convince him that it would be okay and Jack only gave in when he promised that he'd hold his hand during it.

Luckily it was the same doctor he had gone to all through his childhood so she was understanding.

Much to Jack's dismay, he did in fact have a concussion and was given painkillers for the headache and told him to get rest. She also gave him instructions on how to deal with the nausea.

Jack did not like the idea of having to get lots of rest, he thought it was just a waste of time but Davey promised that he'd cuddle him to help him sleep.

They were in the car to go back to Davey's apartment when Jack started to go asleep again.

The doctor had told them that this might happen a lot for the first few days so they didn't worry too much.

Once they had gotten everything they needed from the apartment they headed back to the school with Jack asleep on Davey's shoulder for most of the trip.

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