Chapter 23

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Sarah and Davey were chatting on the bed in Sarah's room. They usually would be in Davey's but Jack was in there and they wanted to have some private twin time. And Katherine was in the library studying.

"Did you hear that Race has a crush on Spot?" Sarah asked looking up from her phone.

"Really? I thought they hated each other. They're at each others necks all the time," he said in disbelief.

"Well, he hasn't actually said he has a crush but it's so blatantly obvious, a baby could figure it out," she stated matter of factly, pointing the strawberry pencil she was eating at him. "Not to mention I've noticed you and Jack are very close, is there something going on there a twin should know about?"

"I mean he is kinda cute but he'd never like me and I'm pretty sure he's straight. Didn't he date Katherine at some point or something?"

"Yeah, he did date Katherine but they broke up like a year ago. Also, guess what buckaroo, he isn't straight. Have you seen him sit in a chair, he's basically lying sideways. Straight people don't sit like that," she pointed out.

Davey thought for a moment and then realised that in his head he had a sliver more of a chance with Jack while in reality he had every chance under the sun.

"Katherine was asking me if you're straight, I think she might have a crush on you," she told him.

"Do I sense resentment from you?" Davey asked giving her the look.

"No," Sarah mumbled, trying to hide in her hoodie. "Okay, maybe, but she likes you."

"I guess we'll just have to see how this all plays out so," Davey said trying to copy the way his mom would always say it.

"Suppose so."

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