Chapter 57

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The Newsies sat in their first class of the day, as they did every morning, when Ms. Medda walked in, as she did every morning.

They were supposed to be starting a new section today on the American Revolution since they had just finished the Industrial Revolution and the Newsboys' Strike of 1899 but Ms. Medda had other ideas.

"So Jack, Davey and Race told me about what they found in Mr. Pulitzer's office and I just want to tell you all that I whole heartedly support you and had no idea about this happening," she explained.

They all smiled at her. They thought it was nice to have at least one adult in their corner.

"Since we have our Spring Assessments coming up next week, for this class instead of starting a new chapter we're going to brainstorm some ideas of what we could do about Mr. Pulitzer."

The Newsies all dragged their desks together into a large group and started brainstorming. They nominated Katherine to be the dedicated note taker.

"We could write a strongly worded letter."

"Why don't we try to get him fired?"

"We could boycott school."

"What about telling the board of management?"

"How about we contact the Minister of Education and tell her."

"What about holding a strike?"

They all shouted suggestions at her and it was a miracle that she managed to write them all down.

They went on like this for a while before Ms. Medda suggested they go through some of the ones they already had.

"The strike was a good idea but we aren't a union," Davey pointed out. "But we could maybe stage a protest but then there'd be not much point with out a form of media coverage."

"I could e-mail some of my dad's connections at the newspapers to see if they'd cover it," Katherine suggested.

"We could also see if we could do a televised or radio-vised rally as a part of it," Jack added onto their points.

"If we were to get the Minister of Education involved or someone big like that it would probably help
us out because he'd then have the pressure to look good in front of them," Race pointed out.

Ms. Medda watched them all planning with a proud smile upon her face. It made her happy to see them all getting along so well and working together.

After a while of careful planning they finally settled on a plan.

Katherine was going to contacted some of her father's acquaintances and try to get them to cover their protest.

Depending on how the protest was received Jack would make a speech with quotes from some of the other Newsies about their opinions on it.

Ms. Medda would also contact people high up in the educational system and Katherine would contact some high political figures she knew through her father.

And if all went to plan they would no longer be there as a part of an experiment but rather just as normal students.


507 words

The Experiment || Newsies AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora