Chapter 14

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The embroidery is based entirely off of a project I did for Home Ec. that took me ages and many poked fingers so I'm going to make a character have to suffer the same.

TW: Stabbing fingers with sewing needles, burning fingers.

Buttons loved sewing and would often take on huge projects at once. He preferred to make pieces of clothing rather than doing embroidery but he decided to have a stab (that's a really bad pun i'm so sorry) at embroidery.

He decided to do a night sky with the moon in silver thread with a black thread outlining at the top right and a shooting star in gold thread in the bottom left. There was also going to be small stars in yellow and gold threads spread around the other areas. It was all going to be on a dark blue felt background.

He had no clue what he'd do with it afterwards because unlike the clothes he makes, he can't wear it.

In the process of embroidering he managed to do many things other than just embroidering. These were most notably: stabbing himself in the fingers multiple times, knotting the threads when he was sewing and splitting the threads, and burning himself with a hot glue gun when he was sticking down the edges to give it a fancier appearance.

He hoped that in the new school he could still sew, he hoped that they might even have sewing machines he could use. Also, because they hadn't mentioned anything about uniforms, he hoped he could wear some of the clothes he made.

233 words.

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