Chapter 50

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Albert, Race and JoJo were having a sleepover in Albert and JoJo's room.

So far they had eaten unhealthy amounts of sugar and were suffering from a sugar crash.

They decided that the best thing to do was eat more sugar and play 21 dares.

After the first few rounds almost always ending on JoJo, his always count three numbers at a time tactic didn't end up helping when he was landed with 18.

So, Race and Albert gave him some of their tactics that work better and end up not getting a dare every time.

Finally, much to JoJo's happiness, Race ended up having to say 21 and getting a dare.

The pair spent quite a while planning what they would dare him to do and in the end they decided that he should try break into the principals office.

And because they were 'just so nice' they said that they'd go with him.

Everyone knew that Mr. Pulitzer lived off campus so it wouldn't be too much of a challenge. Unless you count the security cameras and a security code to get in but those are just minor inconveniences.

"So what's the plan?" JoJo asks after Race has been planning for a while.

"Here's what I've got so far," he started. "Albert you go find out what the security code is from Katherine, she should know it. JoJo, we'll cover the security cameras, from what I saw that time he gave me detention with Snyder and Weasel there's just one that points at the filing cabinets."

Albert had already left at this point and Race and JoJo had started to go to Race's room to get anything else they may need.

"What you are going to do is wrap this around the camera a couple times and then tie it off with this bobbin. Does that make sense?" JoJo nodded and grabbed the towel and bobbins from Race's bed.

Just then Albert came running into the room with a post-it note in his hand.

"Katherine gave me the code," he said out of breath.

"Good, we have everything we need and we don't want to leave it too late or else the Delancys might be there," Race explained.

They had decided to not tell anyone, except Katherine obviously, because it would somehow make its way back to Davey who would go full mother mode and not let them do it.

They got changed into all black to add to the criminal aesthetic. Where they breaking the law? Not technically since it was on school property but the way Mr. Pulitzer can react to tiny things made it feel like it was.

They set off to his office and when they got there Albert punched in the code and they opened the door as quietly as possible.

JoJo shimmied along the wall so they wouldn't be seen by the security camera and covered it. He signalled to the other two to come into the office.

Albert decided to stand outside to keep watch while Race went to see if there was anything interesting.

"What should we do now?" JoJo asked.

"We could look through his drawers and filing cabinet to see why they need a camera protecting them," Race suggested.

JoJo nodded and went to the desk while Race went to the filing cabinet.

They both rooted around for a while when pulled out a drawer titled 'subjects'. Thinking it was just tests for each subject he opened it hoping for answers on future tests.

He was surprised hen he saw a file on each of his friends.

"Guys, come look at this."

607 words

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