Chapter 64

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TW: Mention of vomiting.

The couple stayed like that until it got to around six o'clock and Davey decided it would be best to wake him up.

It took Jack a while to wake up which worried Davey.

"I want you to try sit up," Davey explains to him. "I need to have a look at your head. Is that okay?"

It took a lot of trial and error but eventually he was sitting up with his back against the railing.

"Jack can you look at me?" Davey asked, taking Jack's hands into his own. "I'm just going to shine this into your eyes. I think you might have a concussion."

Jack nodded and leaned his head back.

He really didn't enjoy the idea of being concussed.

Davey shone the light into his eyes and his worry just grew when his pupils didn't show any form of a reaction.

"Jack, I'm going to bring you back to my house. We'll see if we can do anything for it then," he explained.

Jack nodded and leaned into Davey's side.

He was starting to doze off when he was, quite rudely, shaken awake.

"Dave, I want to have a nap," Jack whined.

"I know and you can have one when we get back to my house," Davey negotiated with him. "Is there anything you need from here?"

Jack thought for a while before he nodded and went over to a pipe and pulled out some papers.

Once he had gotten everything he needed he went back over to Davey who was standing beside the ladder.

He went to try and go down the ladder but he got dizzy and nearly slipped.

"I'll help you down."

It took a little while for them to figure out a system but when they did they got down quick enough.

Once they were on the ground Jack tried to walk on his own but between the dizziness and how tired he was it did not end well.

Davey put his arm around his waist and helped him walk.

When they were around half way to his house Davey noticed that there were tears in Jack's eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked starting to rub his back.

"It hurts," he replied trying not to let on how hurt he actually was.

He failed to see the worried look on Davey's face because despite how much he tried he couldn't hide much from him.

"Where hurts?"

"Everywhere," he said between sniffles. "My head hurts and everything's just too loud and I feel like I'm going to vomit and I hate it."

Davey's worried expression only grew and he pulled Jack's head onto his shoulder.

When they finally arrived at his apartment Jack was almost asleep on his shoulder.

His mother opened the door when he knocked on it and was surprised to see the two of them.

Thankfully his father and Les were out at some event Les' school was holding.

She quickly ushered them inside and Davey lay Jack down on the couch and put his head onto Davey's lap.

They shared a quiet conversation so they wouldn't wake Jack who was out like a light once he had laid down.

His mother decided that she would bring him to the doctors the next day to get him checked out.

They still didn't know how he got the bangs to his head so they planned to ask him once he'd woken up and wasn't as out of it.

His mother had also gotten a basin and put on the ground near where Jack's head was since he had been saying he'd felt like he was going to vomit.

He stayed like that for a while before lying down beside his boyfriend and falling asleep himself.

624 words

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