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TW: Mention of emotional abuse.

The rest of the year flew by for the Newsies and before they knew it, it was the last week of school.

Race's father had his trial and much to his delight all of the Newsies showed up to support him, even Spot who got his appointment moved to a later date.

His father was sentenced to twenty years in prison without any chance of him being released early. Ms. Medda also legally adopted him.

There was a lot of tears when he found out.

Mush came out to his parents shortly after the start of the final term. They accepted him without question and demanded that they meet Blink.

His parents loved Blink and told him that the next time he's at home to invite him over for dinner so they can properly meet him.

Crutchie annoyed Jack into spending as much of the Spring Holidays with Davey as possible. Jack originally didn't want Crutchie to feel like he was ignoring him until it was pointed out to him that they live together so they'd see each other every evening.

Specs convinced Romeo to move in with him to get away from his parents. Romeo was convinced that they were only hard on him because they loved him so it took him a while to realise that they were emotionally abusive to him.

It was hard for both of them, Specs to see Romeo hurting so much and Romeo to leave all he's ever known but they both helped each other cope and find a safe place in the other.

Mike, Ike, Buttons, Elmer, Finch, Albert and JoJo found an abandoned building that they did up to live in and make an area for all the Newsies to hang out.

They quite often had all the Newsies over for sleepovers and decided to make it the unofficial headquarters of the Newsies.

The fact that it was close by their collectively favourite restaurant just made them like it even more.

Katherine moved back in with her mother who loves Sarah as much as she loves Katherine. The same was to be said for Sarah's mother too.

Unfortunately, the school didn't stay open for the next school year since there was no use for it and the Newsies were forced to return to the schools they had been attending prior.

Regardless of this, their friendship stayed as strong as when they were together, it may have even grown stronger.

Even throughout all of their adult life they made sure to meet up at least once a month.

This arrangement was changed to twice a month once children were brought into the equation and wanted to see their cousins and aunts and uncles more often.

Jack and Davey, Spot and Race, Specs and Romeo, Blink and Mush, and Sarah and Katherine all got married and adopted children.

During their college years Albert and Elmer finally admitted that they had feelings for each other and eventually got married also.

Crutchie never married but adopted a corgi, that he named Cheddar, that the children all adore.

JoJo, Buttons, Finch, Mike and Ike also never married and instead lived together with their three budgies, two cats, ten fish and one bearded dragon.

Even if most of them weren't biologically related, they were one big family that never frayed, from the start to the very end.

567 words

The Experiment || Newsies AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora