Chapter 4

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David and Sarah Jacobs are what you would expect from a pair of twins. Attached at the hip and like to trick people into believing they have a magic telepathic connection.

They also did most things together, whether it be sports, studying for school or staying up into the late hours of the night talking about boys, girl and such.

It came as a surprise to them when they found out they had been selected for an exclusive scholarship, but it wasn't a surprise that they both received this scholarship.

David was relieved that his sitter would be there with him. She had always been more sociable than he had.

Of course they had been upset that they would have to leave their parents and younger brother, Les, for such a long period of time, but if it was a chance to better their education, their parents wouldn't pass it up.

Their parents and Les had intended to bring them to the boarding school and were upset when they reached a certain point and were told that they could go no further.

They took it in their stride regardless and sent their eldest son and daughter off to brave the foreseeable future that awaited them.

217 words

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