Chapter 2

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TW: Sort of kidnapping.

To say the least, Jack Kelly was not impressed. He had received a letter saying he had gotten some scholarship. Assuming it was somebody's idea of a practical joke, he threw away the letter.

Then, some headstrong man showed up and made him leave his penthouse and his brother. The latter part made Jack especially annoyed.

He had tried to put up some form of a fight but him, a most likely undernourished teenager, against a fully grown adult who looks as though he has never skipped a meal in his life, had strongly unfair odds in the mans favour.

Unbeknownst(i think that's one of the biggest word i know) to him, his brother Crutchie was also in a similar situation. Crutchie on the other hand had replied to the letter and planned to tell Jack about it just before he left.

Was he truly willing, you may ask. No, not at all but unlike his brother, he was less willing to fight someone without reasoning. So, he went, just not happily.

All across New York, 14 other teenagers were facing an encounter similar to that of Jack and Crutchie. Some went willingly and some did not.

But, at the end of the day they all ended up in the same place so who can say which would have been a better idea.

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