Chapter 55

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TW: Mention of killing

The Newsies were doing their daily evening routine, hanging out in the common room and playing some games which almost always end in someone nearly killing someone else.

They wanted to change up their evening a bit. Most of them were sick of always playing poker or gin rummy and Race always winning. Or playing UNO or switch and Davey or Katherine always winning.

In what some might consider the stupidest decision ever made, they decided to play a massive game of Monopoly in teams of two. They based the teams on their rooms to save time.

They used little clay figurines of some of the art students creation as extra figurines because there was only four figures with it and nine teams.

They started off with equal money and by the time the first round was finished Race and Spot had the more than they started with because Race would steal peoples money and Spot would just glare at people who so much as dared speculate his boyfriend of the thefts.

Race refused to steal any money from Crutchie and Elmer because they were 'too innocent to be made go through a robbery'.

Jack would buy the most expensive properties on the board and Davey would make sure that they didn't go bankrupt by also buying houses and hotels for some less expensive ones so they could get more rent.

Albert and JoJo would steal the stolen money from Race's stack of money he thought nobody knew about.

Romeo would take houses off of peoples properties when they weren't looking and Specs would occasionally put them back.

Katherine and Sarah had a tactic to buy single properties on a street and then make whoever had the rest pay a lot of money for it.

Blink and Mush would hide some of their money in Blink's eyepatch so it looked like they had less money than they did and people would take pity on them.

Mike and Ike used their 'twin telepathy' to freak out the other pairs into thinking they knew what they were doing and had a master plan, they did not.

Buttons and Finch were just tying to play the game by the rules and eventually Finch got sick of people cheating and would fuse his slingshot to fire small pebbles he'd collected at anyone when they cheated.

The game went on for around five hours until Crutchie and Elmer went bankrupt because when someone landed on their properties they wouldn't take any rent.

Thankfully it was a Friday and there, obviously, was no school the next day or else none of them would have been able to function.

After the game had finished and they gave up trying to figure out who won because of the thievery and Davey made them all go to bed.

Most of them complained but considering it was midnight their arguments were fairly invalid.

Jack didn't complain, he wanted any excuse to be coupley with Davey and he couldn't do that when they were surrounded by the others.

513 words

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