Chapter 35

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"Katherine wake up," Sarah shouted while shaking Katherine awake. "It's Halloween and we need to put on our costumes. We have to win this competition or else I will literally cry."

Katherine rolled out of bed and knocked Sarah over in the process. They both landed on the floor with Katherine on top of Sarah. Both blushed a bright red.

"Get off of me you lump of lard and go out your costume on," Sarah demanded. Katherine dramatically sighed and made a big show of getting off of the floor.

After a few minutes they had gotten ready and headed down to the main hall where they were holding the costume contest and the other festivities for the day.

Katherine and Sarah were dressed as Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.

Jack and Davey were dressed as Shaggy and Scooby Doo.

Crutchie and Elmer were dressed up as Carl and Russel from UP.

Spot and Race were dressed as an astronaut and an alien.

Specs and Romeo were dressed up as Romeo and Juliet(It was Romeo's idea).

Mush and Blink were dressed as Ash and Pikachu.

Mike and Ike were dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

JoJo and Albert were dressed as Jake and Finn from Adventure Time.

Buttons and Finch were dressed as Mario and Luigi.

The faculty had decided to do the pairings on the basis of room layouts so that there would be no arguments over partners or people feeling excluded.

They didn't mind this of course, they were just happy to have the day off of schoolwork and relax with their friends. Some pairs were just dressing up for the fun and some were doing it to win.

The faculty had planned some activities for them to do throughout the day. They had also decided to give them a half-day so they could do activities by themselves in the afternoon and evening.

They had planned bobbing for apples, ring toss and all the classic Halloween games.

The Newsies had tried to convince them to let them all go to the nearest town to do trick or treating. But very few knew about the school, so the faculty claimed they couldn't go because there wasn't enough adults to supervise as it would be counted as a 'school trip'.

They had planned to sneak out anyways but in the midst of their planning Mr. Pulitzer had overheard them and made sure to have a Delancey positioned at either end of the corridor of dorms so they couldn't.

So they instead planned to sneak into the common room and throw a small party there. They technically weren't breaking any rules, other than being out of their dorms after lights out, but all of the student facilities were open all day.

But they wanted to feel like they were being rebellious, so they were going to do it anyway.

After all of the games had finished they finally got around to the costume contest results.

"After much consideration from myself, Mr. Pulitzer and the rest of the staff we are glad to announce that the winners of the costume contest are Sean Conlon and Antonio Higgins. If you two could come up here and collect your prize, please," Ms. Medda announced.

They went up and Ms. Medda hugged them and apologised for having to call them by their real names. She was the only teacher who would actually respect the boys wanting to be called by their nicknames rather than their birth names.

Some people were a bit upset about not winning but overall happy for Spot and Race for winning because they knew that they had spent hours to make the costume.

That night they had their party and all fell asleep happy and suffering from a sugar crash.

635 words

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