Chapter 60

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The day of the protest had finally rolled around and the Newsies were nervous to say the very least.

Their plan had only half worked out.

They got the New York Sun to cover the event on the claim that it was 'a human rights violation'.

The owner also had a grudge against Pulitzer for his newspaper being more successful than theirs and wanted any excuse to try heighten their status and crush his.

Unfortunately the couldn't get anyone high up in society to attend it but they were hoping that if it got enough media attention that any further events they may have to hold.

They decided that at the last minute to change their plan slightly.

Instead of Jack doing a big heartfelt speech he was going to do a short one and save the big one for their next event.

If they had to do another event, which they hoped they didn't, they were planning on doing a rally in the auditorium.

They had worried that it wouldn't be allowed but Ms. Medda had ownership of a sort over that part of the school. She had promised them that if they needed it they could use any of her facilities.

"Are you ready?" Davey whispered to Jack.

Jack grabbed onto his hand and nodded looking ahead at the podium he had to stand on for his speech.

"You're going to do great," Davey reassured him. "And if you ever get nervous just look at me. I'll be right here the entire time."

Davey moved the sign in between them to the opposite side so he could give Jack a hug.

When he went to give him the hug while Jack went to give him a kiss which just ended in a very awkward moment for the two of them.

After a few seconds of one going for a hug and the other going in for a kiss Jack finally grabbed Davey's face and kissed him.

They heard whistles and cheers coming from what they presumed to be the Newsies. Which it was.

Once they finally pulled apart, they noticed Ms. Medda smiling at them but also giving them a look to be more professional.

They also noticed the death glare that Pulitzer, along with Snyder and Weasel, was giving them.

Jack glared back at them and once the rest of the Newsies noticed they too sent glares at them.

If looks could have killed, the three of them would be six feet underground times 20. Or 120 feet underground.

There was a while of them just sitting around while the reporters set up recording equipment for later reference and they made sure the stenographer was situated and could hear everyone.

Because for some reason the needed a stenographer.

Jack feared that it could turn into a debate so he got Katherine and Davey to write as many points that might be needed down.

When he walked up onto the podium he couldn't help but feel terrified about what he was going to do.

He was about to speak out against a man who was, arguably, one of the most powerful men in the country.

When he reached the lectern he put his notes down on it.

He looked at Davey who smiled up at him. He smiled back and winked at him. Davey's blush just made him smile even more.

With one last look at Davey he took a deep breath and started.

578 words

The Experiment || Newsies AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin