Chapter 6

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TW: Mention of death, alcoholism.

Spot was throughly unimpressed when he received a letter saying he had one some scholarship.

He was also suspicious about it, he rarely turned up to school, was barely getting passes in essentially all of his classes.

Regardless, he accepted even if it wasn't what he wanted he knew it would be a good way to get away from what he was as trying to escape.

Spot had had a rough experience with his parents, he lived with them happily for most of his life until things hit the fan and they kicked him out.

It was hard for him at first, especially considering he had rarely gotten to go outside of their house and had been sheltered from the world.

He adapted quickly anyway, he knew he didn't have an option. It was either learn to be tough or get eaten alive.

Elmer had mores siblings than he could keep track of and with his parents being alcoholics, he was the sole carer and source of income for him and his siblings.

He didn't want to go to the boarding school, but the next sibling in line, Evelyn, said she would take care of them.

These two boys had no way of getting to the boarding school so they both took the school up on it's offer for a free lift to the school.

And so these two boys met. Elmer was scared of Spit in the first place, a strong looking guy who's looks could probably kill. Spot almost laughed out loud when he saw Elmer, a small boy who still saw the good in the world but as they got to talking they stated to grow on each other.

289 words

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