Chapter 59

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Romeo woke up first the next morning. It didn't surprise him since he always seems to wake up once the room got too bright.

Thankfully it was only winter so the sun didn't come up too early, in summer it was a whole other story.

He knew that Specs would probably sleep in since he didn't go to sleep until one in the morning.

He smiled at Specs' face when he was sleeping. He had fallen asleep with his glasses on so Romeo had taken them off and put them on his bedside table.

Even before he had realised what his feelings for Specs were he always enjoyed just looking at his face when he was sleeping.

He always looked so relaxed and it made Romeo happy to see that none of his worries were bothering him while he slept.

His hands made their way to Specs' and he started rubbing circles on the back of his hands.

He stayed like that for a while before he drifted back into sleep himself.

The next morning Buttons was going around to see if anyone had any bits of fabric that they didn't need, whether it be an old ripped t-shirt or anything else that he could put use to.

He was also seeing if there was anything in need of mending. It was all apart of his weekend routine.

When he got to Specs and Romeo's room he knocked on the door like he does every week.

Usually Specs would answer the door and if there was any bits of fabric or loose buttons he'd have them all in a pile ready for him.

He was expecting the same thing to happen this week. It had become like clockwork at this stage that he doubted it would ever change.

He hasn't expected Romeo to whisper shout at him telling him to come in.

"Is everything okay?" he asked when he saw Specs laying on top of Romeo with Romeo playing with his hair.

Romeo looked down at Specs with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, we're okay," Romeo explained. "We tried to pull an all nighter so he didn't go asleep until one last night so I'm letting him sleep."

Buttons nodded and smiled at the pair. "Do you know if there's any fabrics or things to be mended?"

"I think he put them in a pile over over on the desk," Romeo said pointing to the two piles on the desk.

When he moved to point at them Specs half woke up. He still had his eyes closed and didn't really know what was happening.

He just felt himself on someone and decided to stay there since they were warm.

He heard two voices, one behind him and one across from him. He recognised Romeo's voice almost immediately but not the second.

He was about to sit up to see who the other person was when an arm wrapped around his shoulders.

"It's okay. Just go back to sleep," Romeo whispered to him.

Specs softly nodded and buried himself further into Romeo's chest and wrapped his around around Romeo's waist.

Buttons and Romeo stayed there chatting for a little while before Buttons went to go to the last few rooms.

Eventually Specs woke up naturally. He smiled when he realised that Romeo was still there playing with his hair with an arm wrapped around his shoulders.

Once Romeo had realised that he was awake he was quick to give him a kiss.

"What are we?" Specs asked once they had both gotten dressed.

"I'd love to call you my boyfriend," Romeo said while winking.

Specs blushed and nodded while Romeo chuckled at his face.


Romeo put a hand on Specs warm cheeks and rubbed a thumb across them.

"You look cute when you blush," he told him.

This just made Specs blush even more.

649 words

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