Chapter 29

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TW: Homophobia, Star Trek slander.

"Hey Race, it's me Spot," Spot cursed at himself for saying the most stupid sentence ever. "Do you want to talk to me?"

Race shook his head but curled up into Spot. Spot's hands made their way to his hair. They stayed like this for a while and after what felt like hours to Spot but was actually half an hour, Race sat up and leaned on Spot.

"My dad hates me because of something I can't control. He's the only family I have left and I just want to make him proud but I can never do anything right," Spot looked at him remorsefully and pulled him into a full hug.

"What did you tell him?" Race violently shook his head at this question. "If you don't want to tell me that's okay but I'm here if you ever want to talk to me about anything." Race nodded into his chest.

After a while Race had calmed down and stopped hugging Spot and sat beside him. "I told my dad that I'm gay," Race stated. Spot couldn't help but feel pity for him. "Don't look at me like that."

Spot had been in a similar situation a few years ago. He had told his parents that he was gay. His parents being the major Catholics they are threw him out almost immediately, only giving him half an hour to collect his belongings and leave.

"Can I tell you something Race?" Race nodded. "I'm gay too. When I told my parents they kicked me out and I've been on my own ever since. This is the first time that I've ever felt like I've belonged since I can't remember how long. I know I don't talk to you guys much but I've been too scared to mess something up and you guys hate me too."

"I know we are a bit of a weird group but believe me, we won't hate you for for anything unless it is seriously justified. Like thinking that Star Trek is better than Star Wars." Both of the boys laughed at this.

Race and Soot looked each other in the eyes and both could have swore that there was fireworks going off around them. They both shared an unspoken conversation and Spot leaned in to kiss Race.

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