Chapter 45

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TW: Mention of abuse.

The Newsies were all talking about what Race could have been called for. It had been over 5 minutes at that point and they were starting to get a bit worried.

They were starting to consider going and investigating where he was when Ms. Medda walked in again.

"Sorry to keep interrupting you all, but Spot could you come with me please," she waved him over to her.

He went over quickly and was about to ask a million questions but before he got the chance she started talking again.

"I know you're worried about Race but I promise you that he's okay. We were just talking to him and we think it might be best if you were there with him," she explained.

He was about to ask who 'we' was but they arrived before he got the chance. When he saw Race pacing back and forth and the police officers he knew something was wrong.

"Racer-" he started but was cut off by Race running to him and pulling him into a bone crushing hug. He could feel Race's shoulders shaking from crying. "What's wrong?"

"They were asking me about my dad and my home life and then they started asking questions about you and I don't know what's going on," he sobbed.

Spot lead him over to the couch near the desk and comforted him until he had calmed down a bit.

"We are going to ask a few questions about your home life, okay? And then we'll need to ask you some question to see if you are fit to care for Race temporarily," one of the officers explained.

Race just nodded not bothered to argue. Spot took his hand in his own and rubbed circles on his back with his other hand.

"Has your father ever hit you apart from that time?"

Race looked at Spot warily and nodded ever so slightly.

"What would he do?"

"He would sometimes use a, like a belt or sometimes beer bottles when he'd- when he'd been drinking too much," he explained stopping and starting a lot to breathe.

"Would you be willing to testify against him in court?"

"No I couldn't he'd- just no I won't."

"Why won't you?" Spot wanted to strangle the officer, Race was clearly upset and she kept pushing him.

"If I did, he'd find out and he'd kill me."

Race leaned into Spot more as his breathing became more uneven and Spot started whispering words of comfort in his ear.

Race blocked out everyone else while they were questioning Spot and just listened to his heartbeats and his breathing.

Between Spot rubbing his back and the steady rhythm of his heartbeats, Race fell asleep.

He was shaken awake by Spot after what he thought was only 5 or 10 minutes but turned out to be half an hour.

"What happened?" he asked deliriously, still half asleep.

"You fell asleep," Spot explained. Race just replied with a small 'okay' and started to go back asleep when he was shaken again.

"Race, you aren't able to live with Spot," one of the officers started. "Ms. Larkin has offered to take you in as your legal guardian until Spot turns 18."

Race just nodded, not bothered to argue and looked over to Ms. Medda. "Will I still be allowed to visit him?"

"Of course, but we can figure it out nearer the Spring Holidays," Race nodded and smiled at this.

The two officers stood up and started to head for the door.

"We understand that this will be hard for you but please do consider speaking against him. He's only has as much of a hold over you as you allow."

Race nodded and waved goodbye to them.

"Do you want to go back to the room?" Spot asked as he snaked his arm around Race's waist.

Race nodded and yawned. "I want a nap."

"You just had one," he laughed.

"That wasn't a proper nap though."

The pair chatted until they got to their room where they changed into their pyjamas and lay down in each other's arms.

689 words

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