Chapter 38

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The next days classes had gone as slow as imaginably possible for Blink and Mush. Some of the boys noticed how they kept stealing glances at each other. Katherine and Sarah were too busy looking at each other to notice.

When they were finally over, everyone congregated to the common room, like they do most days.

The two boys had spoken to Jack in registration that morning about if he had seen them.

Jack explained that he had and put the duvet on them and that Crutchie had asked if they were okay and he had said that they were asleep.

Both of the boys were relieved that only Jack knew because everyone knows that once more than one person knows then whole world will know fairly quickly.

They had also told him about their plans to tell the rest of the boys that evening and he told them that he would be there. The normal thing you would expect from the original mom friend.

Mush stood up first and dragged an unwilling Blink up with him.

"We have something we'd like to tell you guys," Mush started. He looked at Blink who looked like he wanted to curl in a hole and die. He took his hand and rubbed the back of it as he help it.

They shared a look as if to ask who wanted to say it.

"We're dating," they tried to say in unison but they ended up being very out of time with each other, which just made the other boys laugh.

"Yes," Race shouted with the biggest grin any of them had ever seen on his face. Albert had a look of defeat and dread on his face. Everyone else was just very confused.

"We made a bet, if I win he does my homework for a month and if he wins I do his homework for a month. And because Blink and Mush decided to be the first couple involving neither of us to be public I have to do his homework for a month," Albert explained.

The group nodded and laughed, except for Blink and Mush.

"You bet on our love life. And who's the other couple you thought would get together Albert?" Mush asked pointing between the two of them and then settling on Albert at the end.

"Wouldn't you like to know weather boy," he joked.

Most of the boys understood his reference, some half understood it but Davey was very clueless. He turned to Jack hoping for an answer, which unsurprisingly was a terrible idea.

"Do you not get that reference?" Jack asked with a look of disbelief on his face. Davey shook his head and looked at the others to see if anyone else was in the same situation as him.

"Sarah, how very dare you make your brother, scratch that, twin seem like an uncultured swine," he joked.

"I am very sorry but funnily enough references he needs to know doesn't come up in our twin talks," Sarah defended.

Eventually, Davey got an explanation and multiple more as the Newsies wouldn't stop making references he didn't understand.

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