Chapter 90

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Everyone saying goodbye was nowhere near as eventful as it was for the Winter Holidays.

They were undoubtedly thankful for that.

The most exciting thing to happen was that Les came and the Newsies all practically died at getting to see him again.

Blink was nervous when it came to meeting up with his parents, he planned to tell them he was gay and that he was dating someone.

Mush wasn't sure if he wanted to tell his parents yet so Blink wouldn't say who it was he was dating, just that he was dating a person.

"Hi," he said once he reached his parents who were standing beside their car.

"Louis. How are you? How have your classes been?" Blink almost rolled his eyes at the amount of questions that he was asked but he refrained since he didn't want to be rude.

"It's all good but can I talk to you both about something?" he asked looking down at his shoes.

"Of course sweetie. Is everything okay?" his mother went into the most stereotypical worried mother mode and although most people would hate it, Blink liked knowing that people cared so much for him.

"Yeah. It's just- I've known this for a while and I just haven't figured out when to tell you and I think now is a good time," he paused to take a deep breath before saying what had to be said. "I'm gay and I have a boyfriend."

Blink looked back down at his shoes and tears started to swell when his parents didn't say anything.

He felt two pairs of arms wrap around him and he sunk into the embrace and let the tears fall.

"Why are you crying? We're not mad, we always knew. We were just waiting for you to be ready to tell us yourself," his dad explained.

He nodded and once they pulled apart he looked over at Mush who was standing with a distant look beside Albert, who was talking with Race.

He excused himself and walked over to the pair, even if he had to pretend to only be his friend he still wanted to comfort him.

"Are you feeling okay?" he whispered once he got there.

Mush blinked a few times before turning to look at him. He nodded before turning back to his shoes.

"No you're not. Tell me what's wrong, I can help you," Blink brought his hand to Mush's back to try and comfort him but Mush pushes his hand down.

"Can you not touch me right now. I'm sorry, I don't like the feeling," Mush whispered. Blink looked at him with worried eyes but still moved his hand away. "I feel weird. Like my feelings are a bottomless pit or something. I don't even know what it is, it sort of feels like I'm sad, confused and angry all at once but I also just feel empty."

"I don't really know why you're feeling how you're feeling but I'll always be here for you, you have my number if you ever want to call and you can come over to mine. My parents are totally cool with us. I never said it was you specifically that I was dating though, by the way."

Mush nodded. "Can you hug me. I'm sorry, I just really want a hug from you now."

Blink smiled and pulled his boyfriend into a hug. "Is this okay?"

He felt Mush nod into his shoulder. He brought his hand up to Mush's hair and started to run his fingers through it.

"I love you Blink," Mush whispered.

"I love you too."

605 words

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