Chapter 51

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"What is it?" Albert asked walking over to Race.

"Look at this," he said pulling out the drawer and showing it to him.

Albert pulled out his file and opened it. He scanned over some of the sheets before one struck his interest.

"What does it say?" JoJo asked.

"My name, age, birth cert copy,all that boring stuff," Albert drawled. "Blood type, wait. How did they even get that? I've never had a blood test in my life."

"Is that it?" Race asked impatiently.

"There's a notes section. I have no clue what half of this is," he grumbled.

"Give me a look," Race said grabbing it from him. "It's comparing you to JoJo and talking about your brain and stuff and intelligence."

Albert pulled out some more files.

"It seems like we were roomed with someone of a similar intelligence but just not the same type," he explained.

"Then how come they are only teaching for the book smart people and not the useless stuff and street smart people?" JoJo asked.

"I don't know," Race distractedly said. "Go get Jack and Davey, they'll want to know what's happening."

Albert nodded and ran out the door.

"Wait," he called after him. "While you're there, get Spot too."

"Why do we need Spot?"

"I want to see my boyfriend."

"Fair enough."

Albert ran to Jack and Davey's room first. They were surprised when he ran in out of breath with out knocking.

Thankfully for them Davey was reading while Jack was painting.

"Albert, what's wrong?" Jack asked when he came crashing in.

"We broke into Pulitzer's office and-" Albert started before he was cut off by a very angry mom friend Davey.

"You did what," he shouted.

"It was a dare," Davey gave him the look and he got back to what he was saying. "Anyways, we broke into his office and found these files and we haven't got a clue what it's about so we need you to come look at them."

Jack and Davey shared a look and got up and headed over to Albert. They started heading back to the office before Albert turned around.

"You go to the office, I have to get Spot," Albert so as as he ran off in the other direction.

They shrugged and headed off to the office.

"Hey, Race. Hey, JoJo," Jack said waving as they walked in. "What in the name of God is going on?"

Neither of them really knew what was happening because an out of breath Albert is just about as useful as a rain coat in the desert.

"Don't give out to us please Davey," JoJo started. Davey just groaned, dreading what was going to follow. "We we're playing 21 dares and we dared Race to break into the office and we said we'd help him and we did and we were looking at his stuff and then Race found these."

He pulled out some of the files and showed them to the pair.

"It looks like we are here as an experiment rather than as proper students," Davey explained after reading through them for a while. "Did you find anything else about an experiment?"

The pair shook their heads while Albert came in the room, yet again running and out of breath, with Spot behind him.

"I need to stop running everywhere," he huffed.

Under normal circumstances, they would have laughed at this but considering they just found out they're part of an experiment, they barely reacted to his comment.

"Is this what you're looking for Davey?"

595 words

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