Chapter 86

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The next morning Jack was walking to the canteen for breakfast on his own when he saw Race in front of him.

"Hey, Race," he shouted trying to get his attention.

Race turned around and waved at Jack when he saw him.

"Are you going to breakfast?" Race asked once Jack had caught up with him.

"Yeah, do you know what the options are today?" Jack was really hoping it wasn't porridge, he hated porridge.

"I think there's waffles or the usual stuff," Race explained.

Jack jumped into the air and did a mini victory dance, which Race couldn't help but laugh at.

"You are a really bad dancer," he pointed out.

"Please, I know you're only saying that because you wish you were as good a dancer as me," Jack joked while throwing imaginary hair over his shoulder.

"You keep thinking that."

Jack stopped for a second before running after Race who had taken off while laughing his head off.

"Don't you dare run away from me Racer," Jack shouted, chasing after him.

After a lot of joking and running they finally arrived at the canteen, both very out of breath.

They sat down at one of the free tables since no one else was there yet.

"Can I ask you something?" Race asked once they had both gotten their food.

"Sure, is everything okay?" Jack asked looking up from his high stack of waffles.

"Yeah, it's just my Dad's trial is over the Spring Holidays and I was wondering if you could be there, since Spot can't?" Race looked down at his toast, not wanting to meet Jack's eyes.

"Of course. Not to be rude or anything but why can't Spot be there?" Race looked up to meet Jack's eyes and smiled a bit when he saw the genuine look of care on his face.

"He has an orthodontist appointment that morning and doesn't know if it'll be done in time," Race explained.

Jack nodded, not quite knowing why Spot would need to go to the orthodontist's.

"He's had his current retainer for a while so he needs a new one," Race added when he saw the confusion of Jack's face.

"I didn't know he wore a retainer," Jack said thinking back over the past year to see if he could think of a time when he had seen it.

"It's only when he's sleeping," Race explained while taking a bite out of his food.

They fell into a comfortable silence, both of them eating their breakfasts.

"Have you told Ms. Medda about anything?" Jack asked halfway through breakfast.

"Not yet, I was wondering if you might be able to come with me when I tell her. It's fine if you can't but you had said that it might help if she knew so I thought that now might be a good time to tell her," he explained it all quickly and Jack was surprised he didn't run out of breath.

"Of course, Just remember that I'll always be here for you no matter what it is. Unless it's because you were bored in the middle of the night and want to annoy me," he added as a second thought. "But if you are bored and want to do something stupid, you know where to find me."

Race nodded and laughed lightly.

They chatted aimlessly for the next while until the rest of the Newsies all came down and joined them for breakfast.

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