Chapter 80

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Jack, Davey and Katherine walked to the detention room together.

Jack and Davey were holding hands and following Katherine who had said she'd steal the keys from her father's office.

"Did you get the keys?" Davey asked as they approached the door.

"Yeah, they're right here," she replied lifting them up to show the couple.

Jack laughed. "Has someone been picking Daddy's pockets?"

"Please, I wouldn't exactly call it stealing. He keeps them in plain view hanging on a hook. They're practically just asking to be taken," the pair shared a look that said simply 'fair enough.'

When they got to the door, Katherine unlocked it and Davey couldn't help but stare in awe.

He didn't quite know what he'd been expecting but he hadn't been expecting one of those old-fashioned printing presses from the 1800's.

"None of us know how to use one of these," Jack pointed out.

Even though he had seen it many times before he still couldn't help but stare.

"That's true so I got two of my friends to help," just then a pair of boys in suits walked in, startling Davey who hadn't been paying attention. "This is Darcy, he knows just about everything there is to know about printing."

Davey gave him a small wave while Jack tried to spit-shake with him, keyword tried, it didn't quite go to plan.

They shared a few words in which Jack got a pretty hard reminder that Katherine has some very famous friends.

"And this is Bill, he'll be typesetting the article for us," she explained.

Davey nodded and Jack shook his hand, this time knowing not to spit-shake.

Jack was reminded once again that Katherine has some even more so famous friends.

The rest of the Newsies joined them all soon enough once they had been given the signal that it was all clear.

Once they had all gathered in the surprisingly large classroom, Katherine read out the first print for them all to hear the finished product.

The Newsies all cheered and went crazy which frightened Darcy and Bill some amount.

They had been with large groups of kids their age before but they were all their parent's rich friend's children so they were never allowed to have fun in public.

So, to say the noise surprised them would be the understatement of the century.

In the middle of all the chaos Katherine slipped out after a few words with Jack and what she thought was a subtle kiss with Sarah.

It wasn't all that subtle, everyone noticed it.

Once she had left, they gave everyone a stack of prints of the papers and ran over who was to contact which newspapers.

When everyone knew who they had to contact and where they had to go, they set off, all going in different directions.

They tried to keep them in pairs since some places might be more likely to believe if they had two people to vouch for the cause.

Once they all sent away the papers and sent as many e-mails and letters as they could they all gathered to the common room to discuss it.

As they were sitting around chatting they heard the three unmissable chimes of the bell.

"Could Mr. Jack Kelly please come to my office?"

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