Chapter 73

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As Jack walked towards Pulitzer's office, he felt more feeling than he'd ever felt on his life.

He felt sadness for essentially betraying his friends trust.

He was angry because he hadn't done anything to stop Pulitzer.

He felt the smallest amount of happiness. His friends were okay and didn't have to face any punishment since he did it.

He felt what he presumed was every feeling ever.

And if there was one thing Jack didn't know how to do, it was how to properly handle any emotions he may feel.

Because despite all of the emotions Jack was feeling he couldn't truly feel any of them, he just only felt numb.

When he did finally arrive at Pulitzer's office the numbness faded and he only felt rage when he saw the smirk on his face.

"Jack, come in. I was told the rally went well," he sneered, leaning back in his desk chair.

Jack momentarily fought an eye roll but then decided that Pulitzer deserved it.

"I did what you told me to. What do you want from me now."

"I know you did what I asked but how can I be sure you won't go and tell them everything straight away and make up some fake story about me forcing you to do the speech," Pulitzer said with his 'I am above you voice'.

"You did force me," Jack replied quickly.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Who's to know except you and I?" Jack was losing his cool quickly and Pulitzer could tell, he was just waiting for the right moment. "But who's word are they going to believe? Me, a trustworthy businessman with a well established reputation or you, a criminal orphan who lives on the streets."

"Why do you insist of calling me a criminal? You know very well I'm not and the only reason I ever stole was so I wouldn't die," Jack was shouting and he knew very well that that wouldn't help his case at all but he couldn't seem to stop himself.

"That's what you say but why should I believe that when you are in perfect health?" Pulitzer could see that Jack was about to burst and that was all he was waiting for. "And that boy, he seems to be in perfect health too, besides his leg of course so I see no reason why you ever needed to steal anything."

"Crutchie is only alive because I had to steal medicine and food for him, and for myself. Do you know how many times he nearly died? More times than I can count on both hands. He deserves so much more than anyone in this world could ever offer him." Jack had reached his breaking point and Pulitzer knew it.

Pulitzer was taken aback by this, he may be a monster but he's a monster with the bare minimal amount of feelings.

He knew they had had a tough life but he didn't know it was that bad. He always thought they were just being over dramatic for sympathy.

"Thank you Jack for that lovely speech but as far as I can recall you were only ever arrested for stealing food, so thank you for admitting to another crime to me."

Jack could only stand there with his mouth open. "What?"

"But since I am so nice and have taken account of your situation I won't contact the police but I will make sure you receive some sort of punishment. A few more nights with Mr. Snyder should suffice."

"What?" Jack could only repeat that word for a few minutes until it sank in. "You can't send me to him all the time. That has to be against a child safegaurding protocol or something."

"In some places maybe but need I remind you Jack, I make the rules so what I say goes."

Jack was going to respond when the Delancys grabbed him from behind and started dragging him away.

Jack struggled to break free and did monetarily only to be pulled back by the Delancys.

As he was leaving he swore he heard Pulitzer say something about Crutchie to his secretary.

695 words

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