Chapter 31

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Mr. Pulitzer sat at the head of the classroom and watched as all the students filed in from science, some pale and some hardly phased by the events of class. He did this at the start of every class and most of the student found it unnerving how he just stared at them and didn't say a word.

When they had finally all arrived and taken there seats, they chatted amongst each other. Despite knowing how mush he hated them talking, they did it anyway. They're teenagers, what else would you expect? Because of his hatred for chit-chat he always started class in a bad mood.

"Now that the useless chatter is finished with, I want each student to tell me five of their ideas for the newspaper and then other students will give you feedback on which one to do. Any questions?" Pulitzer went on a long speel.

Half the class weren't paying attention and some were about to fall asleep in the back (Mush) and others were giving him their undivided attention (Katherine and Davey).

Jack raised his hand to ask a question. "Yes Mr. Kelly, what's your question?"

"Why are we writing this paper. We're the only students in the school except for those Delanceys but I don't think anyone has a clue what their deal is. Does it go to the staff or an off campus location? You constantly tell us that this is so important but won't even tell us what it's for." Jack had stood up, he did this often when he was arguing about something.

"Mr. Kelly, I intend to send these article out to professional newspapers, as well as being published in a small newspaper that will be given out to residents in nursing homes near the school," Pulitzer kept a cool demeanour which just made Jack angrier.

"If you send them to a big fancy pants newspaper and they get published do we get the money or do you keep it for yourself? Because that's exploitation and you're probably going to claim to have written it yourself." Jack was starting to head over to Pulitzer at his desk when he was cut off.

"Mr. Kelly unless you want to spend your evening in here with me I recommend you stop talking," Pulitzer did what he did best when faced with criticism, threaten the person.

Jack huffed and sat back in his chair. Pulitzer told the class to start sharing their ideas with their partners.

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