Chapter 32

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TW: Half-swearing.

"He didn't answer my question," Jack whined as they all sat around the lunch table. Davey rolled his eyes and went back to reading his book.

"He explained it later but you were too busy wallowing in your own self-pity to notice," Ike pointed out. Mike nodded ready to back him up if anyone dared argue.

Anyone being Jack considering everyone else was also nodding.

"What did he say? That they're a pair of egotistical bast-"

"Jack. There is children here," Race shouted motioning over to Crutchie and Elmer who's ears were being covered by Finch and Blink.

"Sorry, did he say that they're a pair of egotistical buttheads?" Crutchie and Elmer just looked confused, only having heard half of the conversation.

"He said that they're here as a form of protection for the students and faculty," Davey answered, having put his book down thinking this was far more interesting.

"Protection from what? There's only us and we're hardly going to get an intruder, the schools in the middle of nowhere. It'd be far too much if an effort," Jack complained. "Also, what's Spot and Race's deal. They usually sit beside each other but now there as far away from each other as possible. And Race spent the night in men and Davey's room."

"There's nothing going on between us," both answered a bit too quickly which just made everyone else more suspicious.

They clearly didn't want to be asked anymore about it and the bell was about to ring so the rest of the group dropped it.

They got up and started to head to their next class when they ran into the topic of their conversation at lunch.

"Well, would you have a look here Oscar. It's the New-diots," Morris sneered and Oscar laughed painfully at his brothers attempt at an insult.

"Wow, that was such a fabulous insult. It must have been so difficult for you to come up with. I mean it's not like I could have come up with that when I was still a fetus," Romeo said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Specs high-fives him for using the proper scientific terminology. They had had some funny experiences of him saying the wrong things at the worst times possible.

The boys were laughing their heads off and Elmer was helping Crutchie sneak away.

"Oh look, the wusses are too afraid to even try stand their own ground," the Delanceys laughed pointing at the pair.

Oscar then decided that he wanted a fight and hooked his leg around Crutchie's crutch and pulled it out from under his arm. Crutchie nearly fell but thankfully was caught by Elmer.

The boys broke out into a fight that the Delancys were destined to lose from the beginning. Just as people (Delanceys) were starting to get hurt, a teacher came and broke it up.

Thankfully that teacher was Ms. Medda and knew what the Delanceys were like and sent the Newsies of to class and sent the Delanceys to her office for a stern talking to.

514 words

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