Chapter 82

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"What does that make you?" Davey shouted.

All eyes turned to him and it took every ounce of his being not to shrink into himself.

"This only started because you wanted to conduct an experiment but now you've lost a month from it. Why didn't you just tell us about it?"

"Oh, 'cause guys like Joe don't talk to nobodies like us," Jack partially joked. "You know a wise girl once told me that 'a real boss doesn't need all the answers'. No. 'Just the smarts to pick up the right one when he heard it'."

Jack tilted his head towards the window where the Newsies chanting could be heard.

Jack laughed at the look on Pulitzer's face.

"Have a look out there Mr. Pulitzer," Spot started. "In case you haven't figured it out, we've got you surrounded."

The trio waved out the window at the Newsies outside who waved back at them.

"The school is closed for business. Paralysed. And with exams just around the corner, you wouldn't want us to get poor grades and make you look bad. So what's your next move Joe?" Jack knew he had found the perfect way to catch Pulitzer and just wanted to see how he would react.

Pulitzer looked like he was about to answer Jack but was cut off by another of his advisors rushing into the room.

"Mr. Pulitzer, the mayor is here, along with you daughter, and, oh, you won't believe who else," he panted while trying to explain when was happening.

Pulitzer looked at him expectantly but he didn't get the chance to continue since the men they were talking about walked in the room.

"Good evening, Mr. Pulitzer. I believe you know the governor," the mayor announced as he walked into the office.

"Governor Roosevelt?"

"Joseph, Joseph, Joseph. What have you done this time?" Roosevelt asked as he walked into the office.

"I'm certain when you hear my explanation you'll know exactly-"

"Oh, thanks to Ms. Medda Larkin bringing your daughter to my office I already have a thorough grasp of the situation," Katherine passed him the roll of Jack's paintings and Jack wanted to crawl into a hole there and then. "Graphic illustrations included."

He walked over to Pulitzer with all eyes on him. "'Bully' is the term I usually employ to show approval but in your case I simply mean bully," he smirked as he shoved the roll into Pulitzer's chest before turning around and facing Jack.

"And is this the boy of whom you spoke?" he asked Katherine, pointing at Jack. She nodded and turned her gaze to where Jack was standing with a confused look on his face. "How are you son? I'm told we once shared a car ride."

Jack looked confused before shaking the hand that had been offered out to him.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Governor," Jack turned to Davey holding his hand and whispering to him. "My God."

Roosevelt turned back to Pulitzer before walking towards the window.

"Well, Joe, don't just stand there letting those children chant. Endlessly. Give them the good news."

"What good news?"

"That you've come to you're senses and agreed to their terms," he explained with a smug smile on his face. "Unless, of course, you want to invite a full state senate investigation of your experiment."

"You wouldn't dare," Pulitzer commented.

"After the pressure you wielded to keep me from office. I'd do it with a smile," Jack and Davey grinned like idiots, they were happy that things seemed to be going their way. "Come along, Joseph, there's only one thing worse than a hard heart. And that's a soft head."

He turned to the window again and nodded in the direction of the Newsies. "And think of the happiness you'll bring those children," he turned back around to face Pulitzer before turning towards the Newsies in the room. "He doesn't do happiness, does he?"

"Mr. Kelly, if I may speak with you," Pulitzer said, looking Roosevelt dead in the eye. "Alone."

673 words

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