Chapter 42

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It was the last day of the Winter Exams and the Newsies were absolutely ecstatic.

It also happened to be their last day before the Winger Holidays.

They sat in the classroom, as they had for the past week and watched the clock. Thankfully, it was only their journalism test.

They had to write an article on any topic of their choosing. All of the students had finished writing it within 40 minutes and used the last 20 to go over spelling and grammar.

There was only 2 minutes left and by how they were all looking at each other every few seconds everyone had finished theirs.

"Is everyone finished their test?" Ms. Medda asked. Everyone nodded up at her. "Okay, I'll take them up now and let you all go a couple minutes early. No talking until they are all collected."

She went around and collected up everyone's tests. Once they were all taken up, all of the Newsies shouted in joy and ran into a huge group hug all together.

It was partially out of joy and also partially out of sadness. They were about to start their holidays and not all of them could meet up over the two weeks.

"Hey Spot, can I talk to you for a second?" Race whispered to his boyfriend once they had all broken away from the hug.

"Sure," he replied as Race brought out of ear shot of the rest of the group. "Is everything okay?"

"My dad is coming up to collect me," he started. "I was wondering if you would like to meet him. I'm obviously going to introduce you as a friend because you know what he's like."

"I'd love to Racer. Now come here and kiss me before we leave," he joked pulling Race in for a kiss.

Race happily obliged and they were there for a few minutes before a voice broke them from their shared moment.

"Break it up lovebirds. Go get you stuff, we have to leave now," it was little surprise to them to find out that the voice belonged to Albert.

Race took Spot's hand in his and they walked up to their dorm. They had suitcases laid out with all the things they would need for the two weeks they would be away.

Both of them grabbed their suitcases and headed down still holding hands.

As they approached the doors into the car park Race dropped his hand.

"Are you sure you'll be able for this?" he asked with deep concern. "You can just come with me if you want."

"No, I'll be okay. What the worst he can do anyways? We'll be in front of a large group of people and I'm not scared of him anymore," he said, his voice quavering ever so slightly at the end.

"Okay, but however this goes I want you to know that I love you so much. It's okay if you don't want to say it back but I just want you to know."

"I love you too Spotty," Spot grumbled at the nickname. "Besides after how much of a softie I've turned you into, I'd hope you love me."

They walked out into the car park side by side and Race lead them in the direction of his dad. His back was turned but he could have told you it was him from a mile away.

"Hi Dad."

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