Chapter 34

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Spot and Race walked back into the common room hand in hand. Jack looked up when he heard them come in, hoping for them to at least be on civil terms.

"I see you two finally managed to make up?," Albert asked, his eyes eventually saw their hand intertwined and raised an eyebrow. "Or did you make out?"

Race blushed a furious red while Spot looked like he was about to rip Albert's head from his shoulders.

"We just made up we didn't do anything else," Spot stated making sure to glare at Albert.

"We did kiss," Race pointed out.

"Not helping our case."


The boys laughed at their small conversation.

"Spot can I speak to you outside?" Jack asked. Race groaned and went to tell Jack to stop being overprotective when he was cut off. "Race don't worry, I just want to ask him a question about the science homework."

"We didn't get science homework today," Davey pointed out and all the boys nodded in agreement.

Jack grunted in annoyance and grabbed Spot's arm and dragged him outside.

"Spot, I know we don't exactly see eye-to-eye all the time but we both care about Race. But if you so much as lay a finger on him or hurt him in any way I will make you regret the day you first laid eyes on him, okay?" Spot was surprised at how threatening Jack could be when he was trying to.

"I love Race more than I've loved anyone or anything in my entire life. I would never try to hurt him and if I ever did I would hate myself for it. Please just trust me on this, I truly love him," It was Jack's turn to be surprised at how not intimidating Spot was.

"Okay, I'll trust you but if you slip up I will not hesitate to soak you," Soot nodded and headed back inside.

While this was going on Race was freaking out with all the other boys asking him questions. He was mostly freaking out about what Jack was saying to Spot.

The boys constantly asking him questions did absolutely nothing for his nerves. Davey was trying to get them to leave him alone for a second to breathe.

They did not give him a second to breathe.

To say he was relieved when Spot and Jack walked back into the room would be the understatement of the century.

Spot immediately made his way to Race, who was no longer being surrounded by the other boys and they sat down beside each other holding hands.

"So are we going to have to switch around rooms or can we trust you?" Albert asked wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"What?" It took Race a second to catch on to what he was suggesting. "No. Oh my God, no. Why would you even suggest that?"

All of the boys were laughing at the look on Race's face, especially Spot. Eventually they all went to their dorms and Spot and Race slept cuddled against each other for the whole night.

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