Chapter 22

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Katherine was walking down the corridor when she heard someone calling for her. She turned around and much to her surprise saw Jack, also known as her ex.

They had broken up on mutual terms after both of them realised they no longer liked each other. It wasn't long after that they both came to the realisation that they were not straight. Granted neither knew that the other wasn't straight.

They agreed to not be petty and just stay friends but they didn't talk all that much. So, she was surprised to say the least considering they hadn't properly talked in around a year.

"I need you to do a favour for me," Jack started. "Before you say no, do it for the sake of romance." He even made sure to add some jazz hands on the word romance.

"Who's the girl," she said with a tinge of resentment in her voice.

"Well, it's actually not a girl and is my roommate and I don't know if he likes guys or not so if you could ask Sarah if he does I will give you any candy you want," he quickly said in one breath.

"Deal" she said. Jack spat on his hand and put it out for her to shake. She gave it a disgusted look but, somewhat used to his antics, spat on her own hand and shook his.

Jack smiled to himself as he walked away, he might not know if Davey liked boys or didn't but at least he would soon know if he had a shot.

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