Confidential Assignment - 1

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Content warning: For this book, I am experimenting with darker themes so please proceed with caution or do not continue if you are not comfortable with it. As this is my first time to try writing in this genre, please be kind. =) Lastly, since this would be new for me, please expect updates to be slower than usual because I probably have to do a lot of research on certain things before I post anything.

Thank you to anyone who is still here!


P.S. I say it will be of a darker theme but I don't really know at this point. haha!


She walked down the aisle looking radiant, the happiness in her heart overflowing as she took steps that brought her closer to being one with the love of her life.

From where he stood, Min Tae Gu could feel how happy Ha Chae-yoon was and he couldn't help but smile with her.

When she finally reached the altar where her groom was, he felt a pinch in his heart that had been a constant ache for almost a year now. The one he loved was marrying someone else -- someone who was perfect for her. Law abiding, kind and loved her as much as Min Tae Gu did.

"I do."

Words that broke his resolve and shattered his heart.

Wiping the lone tear that escaped, he whispered, "I wish you a happy life, Inspector. May he love you for the rest of it."

With one last look at the beautiful Ha Chae-yoon, he blew a kiss to the heavens and bid her a silent goodbye.

He hopped down the steps into the waiting midrange, locally produced SUV, he would have never purchased in his previous life. "Let's go," he abruptly told the driver.

The woman turned to him and rolled her eyes at his order. "Are you done with your drama?"

Min Tae Gu remained silent.

"Did you cry?"

Min Tae Gu met her heavily lined eyes that made her beautiful features even more striking. Narrowing his eyes at her, he commented, "Why does it smell like cigarettes here? Didn't we agree to stop smoking?"

"Well, you shouldn't have stayed in that church for too long. It gives me creeps just being around here. Can we go now?"

Min Tae Gu silently nodded.

Baek Jang-mi regarded the man sulking at the passenger seat of their now conjugal car. "Do you want our wedding to be the same?"

Min Tae Gu gave her a surprised stare. "We don't have to come up with something so elaborate. After all, this is just temporary."

Baek Jang-mi rolled her eyes again. "I know but we promised the Agent Kim our full cooperation and make this look as legitimate as needed. That means, registering our marriage."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Min Tae Gu nodded. "Fine. Let's discuss the details later. You're giving me a headache."

When they arrived at the apartment they now shared, she jumped down and walked inside immediately taking off her 4-inch heels and unbuttoning her blazer top. From what he saw when they left earlier that day, he was certain there was nothing underneath. "Yah! What are you doing? Take off your clothes in your room!"

Baek Jang-mi turned to face him. Her top open, confirming what Min Tae Gu thought, showing the swell of her breasts and the tiny matching white skirt that was so short it amaze him it still covered her.

Sauntering close to him, Jang-mi whispered, "My, my, Mr. Min. Am I actually marrying a prude?"

Min Tae Gu met her gaze. "No. But we agreed to no sex."

"Hmmm," Baek Jang-mi hummed, sniffing along his jawline while on her tiptoes. He truly was a handsome and very attractive man. She's seen and known many men but very few would come close to the raw masculinity that Min Tae Gu exuded. "Too bad," she whispered. "Biggest mistake in our deal, I think."

Their heated breaths mingled and it took a  lot of effort for her to pull away.

"Do you want to have dinner together?" he called out before she disappeared in the bedroom assigned to her.

Turning to face him again, she replied, "You go ahead. I'll join you if I finish early. Please don't come knocking."

Min Tae Gu groaned at her suggestive comment. "Are you going to... be playing with your toys again?" he asked, alluding to when he walked in on her the other day.

"Would you like to join me?" she teased.

"I simply wanted to plead with you to keep it down," Min Tae Gu asked. Chuckling, Baek Jang-mi disappeared, with Tae Gu hearing her door lock. Sighing, he rubbed his face.

This opportunity was a once in a lifetime chance for him to wipe his record clean with the government. It was a little too late to allow him to marry Ha Chae-yoon but it would still allow him to become the man she had faith in.

"We need you to go undercover," Agent Kim had said. The details were discussed to him in the following weeks but the biggest surprise was, "You'll be working with another former criminal. She'll play the part of your fiancée and then wife."

Baek Jang-mi, formerly the head of the biggest pickpocket ring in the city and one of the most beautiful women he had met. The more he knew her, the more he realized she was a pain in the backside.

It was going to be a long assignment and he needed a lot of patience.

But for now, he needed a shower.

As he passed by her door, he could hear faint moans that conjured up images in his head that made him stop in front of the wooden barrier that would lead him to her. Groaning, he shook his head to clear it.

"A cold shower. Definitely a cold shower."


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