Be With You - 18

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A/N: Sorry to leave you hanging with the last one but I hope this double update makes up for it. =)

Warning: Slightly Mature content toward the end.


Im Cheol-Ryung opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. The pin lights hurt his eyes but at least he knew he was no longer in that dark room where he was kept for a only a day or two but seemed like it was months.

He struggled.

Part of his wanted to get up and find out what happened. Did the team capture the criminals? Did Detective Kang get the evidence needed to make the case stick? Have all those involved been identified?

Another more human part of him just wanted to sleep. He felt sore everywhere and all he really wanted to do was rest.

Then again, there was someone he needed to see. Someone he made a promise to.

He tried to move but the soreness in his muscles returned now accompanied by a massive headache.

"Careful," a feminine voice called out softly.

Im Cheol-Ryung leaned back and sighed. Opening his eyes and turning to the person who spoke, he allowed himself some time to just take her in.

"Let me call a doctor," she said.

In a few minutes, the doctor and a nurse came in to check on him. "He's doing well. All the vitals are good."'

"Doctor," Ha Chae Yoon stepped in. "He's been awake for a few minutes now but has said nothing. Is that normal? Are you sure everything is alright?"

Checking the records again, the doctor nodded. To the patient, he asked, "Detective, how are you feeling?"

"Like someone beat me up," Cheol-Ryung groaned.

Ha Chae Yoon's eyes widened then pouted in sympathy.

"Do you know where you are?" the doctor continued.

"Hospital," he replied.

"And what is your girlfriend's name?"

Im Cheol-Ryung turned to Ha Chae Yoon. "Sorry. Is this my girlfriend?"

Crossing her arms, she narrowed her eyes at him. "She just broke up with you. I'm all you've got."

Im Cheol-Ryung snorted then bit his lip to stop himself from laughing out loud. "Ouch." Seeing that Ha Chae Yoon was not moving from where she stood at the bedside, he pouted, "It really hurts!"

That made her spring into action to help him out. "That's what you get for trying to be sassy when the doctor is checking you."

"I was going to say something sweet but your comment beat me to it," he reasoned.

"What were you going to say?!" Ha Chae Yoon asked, exasperatedly.

"Not going to tell you now. You have to wait until I'm better," he said, giving her a toothy grin.

Rolling her eyes, Ha Chae Yoon turned to the doctor. "There must have been a switch, Doctor. My boyfriend is growls and doesn't know how to be cute and funny. We may have gotten the wrong detective."

Im Cheol-Ryung snorted again. "OUUUUCCCHHHHHH!"

The doctor and nurses were smiling at the couple. "Seems like everything is fine here. Detective, take it easy on laughing."

When they were alone, Ha Chae Yoon was still frowning at him. "I'd hit you but then you're already bruised all over."

"Can you please come closer?" Im Cheol-Ryung asked.

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