One Night - 2

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A/N: Thanks for the feedback! Here's the next part. Photos included are not mine, they were found on the internet. HB from the Omega event, SYJ from the movie poster.


Five years.

Who would have thought that wrapping up your business in one place would take this long? Hyun Jin-heon thought. 

However, at least he was headed home now. 


He was uncertain if he could still call Seoul home since he had been away for close to ten years now. Being the youngest child in their family, not much was expected of him and Hyun Jin-heon used that to his advantage.

His older brothers were going to run their businesses. Him? He needed to know enough just in case he had to step into the role, but otherwise, he could do whatever the hell he wanted. Ten years ago, that meant cooking and putting up any business related to it, preferably a restaurant. 

After taking up culinary arts and some business courses in the country, he decided to move to Paris, initially to just learn about becoming a pastry chef. 

When he arrived in the city, he fell in love with the culture, the people and the food and he found  himself staying. He had to admit, he also loved the independence from his family. Here he was not a son of some wealthy person. He was simply Hyun Jin-heon, a man who hoped to become successful.

Five years ago though, he felt at a loss for purpose. He was able to put up his small restaurant and he had enough connections in the city for the business to be steadily earning income. But, for the first time in the years he spent in the city, he felt alone. He felt very much like a foreigner.

He missed the holidays in Seoul. He missed having local food anytime he wanted. He missed the culture of his youth. 

But he worried whether he would still find that if he went back. 

Then, he met this beautiful woman on the Eiffel. 

Hyun Jin-heon bit his lip as he stared out the plane window, thinking about that one night. He had always been complimented for his looks and he was aware of the effect he had on women. Though he used that to his advantage when he was in school, he had been careful about getting into relationships.

He didn't want the complications.

When he did find himself committed, he usually dated another Korean woman. 

The woman at the Eiffel was no exception. It was not a commitment, but she was very, very beautiful and he was instantly intrigued. Then, he found out she was interesting. He wouldn't go so far as to say that he could say she was intelligent after just a few hours, but she definitely was nice to talk to in the few hours they spent together.

And then, there was the intimacy.

That night was the most amazing time he has had in his entire life, and he was not exaggerating. Was it love? Of course, not. But it was exciting and hot. It was how raw and intense and physical it was that got him.

It was so good that he was still thinking about it years later.

Sometimes, he wonders how she is and hopes that she is doing well. They didn't know much about each other but he liked to believe that she's a good person. And he could not help but hope that that good person was doing alright.

Thoughts of that wonderful night were quickly wiped off as the announcement came that the plane would be landing soon.

Back to Seoul. 

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