One Night - 22

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A/N: Sensitive topics ahead. Please proceed with caution.


He watched his friend as the man was invited into the home.

Step one, check.

They had been good acquaintances in University, partnering in one of the projects that his team pushed for a sports camp. That project gave the athlete the additional credits he needed for the job he was eyeing.

He also felt that it would be beneficial to be close to the man Im Soo-ah was dating at the time.

It was great foresight on his part to grab that opportunity because he was able to use that leverage now.

Half an hour later, Yang Yo-Han came out and sat with him in his car. "Did you get back together with her?"

Yang Yo-Han frowned. "Why are you so invested in this again?"

"If she's not going to marry me, it might as well be someone I know."


"I know what's best for her."

Yang Yo-Han stared at the other man in concern. When he received the cold call from a college buddy whom he did not hear from in years, he thought it was interesting and since he was free that time, he met up with this friend.

When Yang Yo-Han heard the proposition to see Im Soo-ah again, he thought, I'm single at this time so sure. He and Im Soo-ah did have good memories after all.

But now, seeing the troubled look in the other man's eyes was disconcerting to say the least. "Do you think maybe it's time to see someone? Get professional help?"

Woojin rolled his eyes. He didn't need help. He knew what was best for Im Soo-ah because he has loved her for all these years. "Answer my question, are you back together?"


Hyun Jin-heon frowned.

He understood that the investigators were just doing their jobs but he didn't like how this somehow ended up as if they were spying on Im Soo-ah. "She is not the target here," Jin-heon pointed out, raising his voice at the lead investigator who was meeting his father.

"We know that, Sir. It's just that this was captured while the target was in the area and our contract with your family is to provide you with the photos."

The Chairman stood. "I'm sorry, son. I didn't mean for it to seem like we're spying on Soo-ah," he assured. To the investigator he said, "Is this the only copy of the photos?"


"Can we please stop talking like there was any malice in this?" Jin-heon said. Looking at the pictures again, he cringed. Although he frowned at seeing Soo-ah's arm around the man, he was more uncomfortable with the fact that he was seeing this unguarded moment. He felt like a stalker and that did not sit well with him.

When the Investigator was dismissed, Jin-heon faced his father and said, "I have to tell her. I know we're keeping her safe but this is just too much. Can you please instruct them that her privacy is sacred?"

"Of course," the Chairman promised. "Please extend our apologies to her as well."

Arriving home, he saw that his phone battery had died after a long day at the restaurant and then that late meeting with the investigator. Disappointed at the turn of events, he plugged his phone, took a shower and then promptly fell asleep.

The following day, seeing that he was running late, he turned on his phone while he was on his way to the borrowed car he was using. "I'm sorry--" he started to type.

After Dark (Prompts)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora