One Night - 21

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A/N: Just a quick update for today because it's been quite a busy workday.  =)


Too soon, it was time for Jin-heon to head back to the city.

"Goodbye, Ahjumma!" Ji-ho bid, hugging Kim Yun-hui. "Will I see you again?"

"Perhaps your Uncle can bring you to visit," Kim Yun-hui said, smiling. "Oh wait. Here, bring some cookies for the trip. Share with Grandma and Uncle, okay?"

"Yes, Ahjumma!" Ji-ho happily said, smelling inside the bag. "Where's Uncle?"

"He's just saying goodbye to Teacher," Bang Eun-Jin told him. "Let's wait for a little."

"Will he cry when we leave?" Ji-ho asked.

Bang Eun-Jin giggled. "Maybe so."

Hyun Jin-heon and Im Soo-ah were by the garage where Jin-heon will be leaving his car for Soo-ah's use. Handing her the keys, he said, "You can drive it back or I can have the chopper drop me off if you wish to drive back together."

Soo-ah nodded. "I'll call you when I've decided." Not letting go of his hand, she touched the lines on his palm and sighed, "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, but I'm glad you're staying over to spend time with your mom," Jin-heon told her encouragingly. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay. There's a lot of things to do at the restaurant."

"No need to apologise. You already spent enough time with me," Soo-ah assured. "I'll see you in a few days, okay?"

"GRANDMA! WILL UNCLE KISS TEACHER?!" Ji- ho asked, making Jin-heon and Soo-ah blush.

Bang Eun-Jin shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we should just cover our eyes," she suggested, promptly covering hers so that her grandson could follow.

Peaking to his side, Ji-ho pointed out to Kim Yun-hui. "Ahjumma! Cover your eyes!"

"I'm not going to kiss her!!!" Jin-heon hissed, mortified that Soo-ah's mom was hearing all this.

"GRANDMA, I think Uncle just likes kissing his phone and not people!" Ji-ho said, still covering his eyes.

Bang Eun-Jin opened one eye and asked the couple, "Is it safe to open our eyes, Son?!"

"Yes, Eomeoni," Jin-heon replied, exasperated as Soo-ah kept giggling at him. "I didn't kiss her!" he continued, defensively.

"Fine, fine. Shall we go?" Bang Eun-Jin asked.

Jin-heon nodded, turning his sad eyes to Soo-ah. "I'll see you."

"See you," Im Soo-ah bid. She and her mother watched the three board the car that the Chairman sent for the Jin-heon, Ji-ho and Bang Eun-Jin. As the car moved further away, Im Soo-ah ran to the street and followed as much as she can until the car was finally out of sight.

Taking her phone, she sent a message to Jin-heon, "I miss you already!"

Kim Yun-hui chuckled at the sight. "I don't think I've seen you this clingy with a man even when you were in University."

Linking arms with her mother, Im Soo-ah headed inside but dinner brought them a surprise visitor.

They were chatting about work about the things she was looking forward to in the next school year. "I miss my kids. They always brighten up my day no matter what!" Soo-ah shared. "I can't wait to see who my new kids in class are."

As her mother was laying out the plates, they heard the doorbell ring and Soo-ah volunteered to check the monitor to see who was at the gate.

It was a face she never thought she'd see again.

A face she had loved for a long time who she had to break up with because that was her mother's instruction at that time.

"Yang Yo-Han," she whispered.

Seeing his face again brought back so many memories from years past.

They met during their final year in University. He was a star athlete on his way to getting hired in one of the top technology firms in Seoul. She was going to graduate with honors but was still waiting for job offers. 

He was set up on a blind date with another person but saw Soo-ah waiting at alone at one of the tables and decided to head over to her table instead. He pursued her since that night.

Aware that her mother was quite strict, Soo-ah kept him at a distance. Declining dates, taking long before replying to his messages or calls... but he persisted and she eventually said yes to another dinner with him. 

He was handsome but Im Soo-ah was surprised to find that they were able to enjoy a good conversation as well and attraction grew from there. 

Because she knew that her mother would never approve of this, they decided to keep it a secret... and even Im Soo-ah had to admit, it added to the thrill of the relationship. 

Until one night, her mother caught her sneaking out. 

She was already working and in her early twenties by then, when most of her friends didn't even come home and spent the night at their boyfriend's place! But Im Soo-ah had to sneak out.

And when she was caught, it was a big argument that led to Soo-ah breaking up with Yang Yo-Han.

"I cannot disobey my mother," she told him, tearfully. 

"I'll come back for you, okay? One day. One day," he promised.

That day was today.

"Good evening, Im Soo-ah. Good evening, Ma'am," Yang Yo-Han greeted them when Soo-ah opened the door. "I came here to keep my promise, Im Soo-ah."


The group of 3 investigators were required to submit reports during the end of each day. The two of them provided updates on the background check and past employment history they were able to access, while the other one designated to follow Woojin around had something more interesting to report.

"He was seen around the house of Ms. Im Soo-ah from the time the Hyun family left," said the private investigator. "He watched from afar but did not seem to pose a threat to Ms. Im Soo-ah and her mother."

"Good," said the lead investigator.

"However," the man added, quite hesitantly. "I know this is just a job but... I captured some photos... I wonder if Mr. Hyun Jin-heon would... these may not be photos he would want to see."

They were of Im Soo-ah hugging a man who had visited her earlier that night. The man was also welcomed in their house by Kim Yun-hui.

The lead investigator kept a passive face. "Our contract is to provide whatever we gather. We do not own these nor do we interpret these photos. Submit them as is."

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