Be With You - 23

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A/N: Mature content for the entire chapter so if this is not your thing or if you are a minor, please just skip this entire part. ☺️

Photos found in the internet.

Ha Chae Yoon woke up to an empty bed but the soreness in her muscles and the ring on her hand reminded her that the previous night was not a dream.

Staring at the ring, now delicately placed on her fourth finger, she giggled then blushed recalling the events of the night before.

They placed the carrier at the back of the car when they finally bid their friends goodbye. When Im Cheol-Ryung deepened the kiss after she said yes, Ha Chae Yoon knew she couldn't keep things chaste for very long.

She needed him.

When they pulled back for air, she rubbed her nose on his and whispered, "Let's go home?"

"Now? You don't want to celebrate first?" He asked, motioning to the other cops who were still dancing.

"I want a private celebration," she continued in a low voice. Tracing her index finger on his nose and lips, she gave him a peck before adding, "I'd understand if you want to have drinks with them. I'll wait at home."

She bid her friends good night and thanked them for helping Im Cheol-Ryung out.

Turning to Cheol-Ryung again, she held his earlobe and whispered, "I'll take off all my clothes as soon as I enter the apartment."

Im Cheol-Ryung gulped.

He barely recalls how he said goodbye but his next memory was he was driving them home, Bunny in her carrier at the back, cursing at the stoplights delaying their arrival.

Ha Chae Yoon took his hand and held it on her thigh, continuing to tease him. She cursed her choice to wear jeans today meaning that she can't feel his touch on her skin.

In a hoarse voice, while the stoplight was red, Cheol-Ryung stroked her back then ordered, "Take off your bra."

Desire surged to her core. Grateful that the car was heavily tinted, she pulled off the straps from under her shirt, realizing that Cheol-Ryung had taken off the clasp already.

Cheol-Ryung used the back of his hand to graze her from her lips, to her her neck and then slowly down her chest, making her peaks pucker at his touch. Chae Yoon released her breath slowly, biting her lower lip.

How the next few things happened, she will never be able to explain.

Im Cheol-Ryung continued his slow ministrations downward, unbuttoning her jeans. Then, as the light changed to green, he floored the accelerator to jerk the car forward at the same time his hand dipped inside her panties and his fingers plunged inside her.

She moaned loudly, gripping the car door as the engine roared. The pleasure was so much that she leaned back on her seat and attempted to clamp her thighs except that Cheol-Ryung said, "Spread your legs."

Undulating her hips as she sought pleasure from his hand, Ha Chae Yoon breathlessly chanted, "Oh god! Oh shhhh... ah! AH!"

When he curled his fingers inside her, she was lost.

Coming down from her high, she realized they were already his parking slot. "How..." she asked, still panting.

Im Cheol-Ryung just smiled and kissed her gently before retrieving his finger from insider her. In another naughty move, he sucked on his fingers which were glistening from her juices. "Yum."

While he retrieved Bunny, Ha Chae Yoon was hit with a brilliant idea. Moving quickly, she locked her door before he came around to help her down, retrieved her mid length coat and executed her plan.

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