Spellbound - 5

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"Please don't be mad at me, Grandma," Jung Ji-ho begged the skies, which were clear that night, but he felt the need to connect with his beloved grandmother. "I feel off but I worry about what she'd do if I say no. Someone else might take advantage, you know? Plus she looked really sad and I couldn't bear it."

He sighed. "Don't worry. I don't plan to just go through with it. I want us to get to know each other better first. Then, when she finds out that I take really long showers, maybe she'll change her mind."

Jung Ji-ho rubbed his nape. "She's my type, though," he admitted. "She's really pretty... and when she smiles, her eyes turn into these pretty crescent shapes and I... get lost in them."

Looking at the sky one more time, he said, "I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you, Grandma. But I promise that if we go through this, I'll be a good man to her... and we keep our promises, right?"

He sighed, "I miss you, Grandma. I'm still waiting for you to come down from cloud land for a visit."

With that, he headed back inside. Checking the guest room to make sure Kang Yeo-ri was sleeping peacefully and had not fallen off the bed, he adjusted her blankets before finally heading to his room to catch a few hours of sleep. 

Back in Kang Yeo-ri's house, Hong Ra-hee floated around the gardens restlessly as she missed her grandson a little more today so she decided to distract herself with looking at the mostly deadplants at the backyard. 

"How are you, my Ji-ho? I'm sorry it took so long to come down. I'm here. We're just not sure if Yeo-ri is allowed to contact you for me so we haven't done so. I don't want to get Yeo-ri-ah in trouble."

She moved to another hopeless looking plant.

"Have you gotten over your painful heartbreak? I'm sorry to leave you when you were still healing from that. Do you have new girlfriend? I hope she's as nice as Yeo-ri-ah. You deserve a person with a good heart like hers. But she's seeing someone now with the same name as yours. She'll take him home soon. If he's mean, Ju Hui and I plan to scare him. If not, then I hope you find your good match, too."

Then, she found seedlings scattered around a corner. Hong Ra-hee grinned. 



"I'm sorry, Inspector. I'm sorry, Ms. Baek." 

Kang Yeo-ri was apologising profusely to both her bosses. She woke up at Jung Ji-ho's place with a terrible headache, then she had to rush home to change for work. 

"I'm sorry I can't bring you. I also have to run to the shoot," Jung Ji-ho apologised.

"Don't worry. I have a cab waiting. Bye!" she bid him but he stopped her exit. 

"Have you changed your mind?"

Kang Yeo-ri narrowed her eyes at him. "NO... but no kissing now because I haven't brushed my teeth."

Jung Ji-ho laughed. "Okay then. Go. Bye."

Because of all that, she arrived 30 minutes late to work. "Don't worry about it," Inspector Ha assured. "I told you our time is flexible so make up for it later. Just advice us next time so we don't worry."

Baek Jang-mi chuckled. "Well, I'm hope you enjoyed."

She did. If there was anything she regretted, it was that she didn't have a kiss. 

Kang Yeo-ri blushed at the memory. She could tell that Jung Ji-ho wanted it, his breathing had changed and he kept his eyes on her lips. However, being the gentleman she found he was, he insisted that she think about it once she was sober. 

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