Personal Taste - 14

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A/N: Another update! Some mature content. I'm slowly showing the dark side of her ex so this might trigger some readers. Please feel free to discontinue if you are not comfortable. It's completely understandable and I'm grateful that you've read this far. I'm just going to finish this work because I can't leave something uncompleted but I would understand if you no longer wish to continue.


"Break up?!"

Hoon balked at the idea when Joo In-ah told him about her discussion with the private investigators. Huffing, he immediately stood to let off some steam.

He had been on edge since he heard about the presence of her ex in their lives and he was even more anxious after In-ah told him about the threats. It didn't matter if Jae-Kyung threatened her or him, In-ah was concerned and that didn't sit well with Hoon.

In-ah followed as he paced around his living room. "It's just pretend. Inspector Ha thinks we may get more information that way and I think it makes sense because if they can figure out his motivation and anything else he might be hiding, this might get him off our backs sooner."

Hoon nodded. "I understand where the investigators are coming from. What I don't understand is how you could think that breaking up with me was the solution?"

In-ah was contrite. "I wasn't thinking straight. You already told me how many times they passed you over for promotions you deserve. I didn't want this to be a another thing they take against you."

Hoon approached her and cupped her face. Seeing the concern on her face, he stroked a thumb over her forehead. "You were really worried about me?"

In-ah tearfully nodded. "I didn't want my past to add to things brought you down. I've accepted that my experiences will affect me, but it's unfair for it to hurt you when you had nothing to do it with except that you took me on now."

Hearing that, Hoon pulled her into a tight hug. "You have the sweetest heart, you know?" He sighed. "I'm sure there's nothing in that write up that my bosses don't already know. Like you said, they've been passing me over for promotions already."

"Can you forgive me? I hope you understand that just the thought of separating broke my heart already," she shared, giving him a pout. On a serious note, she held him close and added, "I don't know what will happen if this gets out."

"Well," Hoon started. "They'll say bad stuff about me and you, probably, because we're together. And then, at some point, they're going to envy you because I'm probably giving you the best orgasms of your life."

In-ah snorted before laughing full on, welcoming it since it has been a heavy lift the past days. "Your confidence is unshakeable, isn't it?"

Hoon nodded. "I mean, they won't be wrong. I've given you some amazing ones, right?"

In-ah wrapped her arms around his neck. "Yes. A lot of amazing ones."

"But if we have to break up --"

"PRETEND!" she interrupted.

"Pretend," Hoon agreed. "That means we can't be seen together, right? No dates? No sleepovers?"

Joo In-ah nodded. "Yes. Baek Jang-mi-ssi said we might have to put surveillance cameras in my house to make sure I'm safe and record stuff for evidence, so we can't meet there either. And they worry that Jae-Kyung might be following us so it's best that I don't go here for the time being."

"And they will make sure you're safe?"

In-ah nodded. "Yes. They promised to teach me self-defence, too."

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