Spellbound - 8

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A/N: Mature content ahead. If you are uncomfortable with these themes, please skip this part. Plot movement will be in the next chapter.

To anyone who needs the music video of the song I referenced in the last chapter, here it is! In my head, Min Tae Gu doing the back up vocals was just too cute.



Kang Yeo-ri stepped into her bedroom nervously. 

They both knew what would happen and they both wanted it. Ji-ho kissed her gently. "We don't have to if you're not yet ready."

Yeo-ri sighed as she stared up at Ji-ho. 

The past weeks together had been bliss for Kang Yeo-ri. Jung Ji-ho would often call her and send her messages or pick her up from work and have meals with her. They talked about their lives, work, the ghosts, actors he worked with... anything.

Whenever they would have meals at her house, they would ask Ju Hui and Hong Ra-hee to stick around. At first, they were all worried that Hong Ra-hee might leave soon because she and Ji-ho already met but thankfully she was still with them, at least for now.

Ju Hui and Hong Ra-hee already picked up clues as to when they needed to make themselves scarce and give the couple the privacy they needed. Kang Yeo-ri's bedroom had been off limits to the spirits for a long time already. Now, when the couple was doing the dishes, the spirits bid them good night soon. The shy, longing looks they exchanged were difficult to ignore even for ghosts like them.

When they were alone at night they were often kissing, or talking about their 'arrangement' but mostly kissing.

"You're really good at kissing," she whispered, one night making him chuckle.


"I like kissing you most when your shirt is off, though," she admitted. When he quickly took off his shirt, she laughed before leaning in to kiss him again. "Good man."

Because of their decision to take it slow, Jung Ji-ho was careful that their core did not make contact to avoid further temptation on his part. But it was getting more and more difficult.

One night, she had already changed into her pyjamas, but she paired it with a tank top. It was quite obvious that she was bare beneath it and when they started kissing, he could feel through her shirt. Then, she decided to straddle him and started rubbing herself on him.

"Baby... Honey, wait," he said in between kisses. Her hands were roaming around his naked chest and he knew his resolve was quickly breaking. When her hands landed on his shaft, he groaned, gently pushed her off and stood.

Big mistake.

The straps of her tank top had fallen off showing her creamy skin on those toned shoulders and an ample view of her cleavage. Her shirt was hanging by... her puckered nipples. Jung Ji-ho gulped. "Ba..oney..."

Kang Yeo-ri gave him a naughty smile. "Bunny? I think I like that. Don't bunnies like sex?"

Jung Ji-ho crossed his arms. "You're not helping! Didn't we say we'll take it slow? Besides, you don't know yet if you like sex."

"So, let's do it so I can make my decision!" she suggested, sitting up.

Ji-ho closed his eyes and chuckled. "You are something else." Sitting beside her again, he asked, "I really don't want to hurt you."

"I know, but it can't be helped," she pointed out.

"Are you sure?" Ji-ho asked.

Kang Yeo-ri hesitated. "To be honest, I'm not." At Ji-ho's curious expression, she continued, "It's not that I'm not attracted to you because I'm very sure I am. I've even started to have erotic dreams about you."

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