Be With You - 14

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WARNING: Strong language used at the end of the chapter!


Ha Chae Yoon watched him fall asleep on her chest as she cradled him that night. She was aware that they had not been officially together for very long but she was certain that this was a sight that she wanted to see every day for the rest of her life.

She meant everything she told him. She was going to stay.

With their personal experiences and in their job, they were hyper aware of how quickly death could come. Life was short, too short, so she fully intended to grab her chance at happiness. And she wanted Im Cheol-Ryung along for that ride.

Smoothing the creases on his forehead, she kissed him to hopefully soothe his troubles as he rested.

When she woke up early morning the following day, she was now wrapped in his arms, his head resting on her shoulder. She knew he was awake because he was drawing circles on her belly, a habit he picked up to rouse her from her sleep when they were together in bed.

"Good morning," she whispered.

"Good morning. Do you want to take a walk with me after breakfast?" he asked.

"Sure. Let's pick up coffee along the way?" she suggested.

The river was a few minutes drive from Im Cheol-Ryung's place and thankfully traffic was still light so they reached it without too much trouble. With coffees in hand, they chose a bench and sat. 

"I saw Hwa-ryung's mother at the cemetery," Cheol-Ryung started. "Seeing her surprised me because she lives away from the city so she doesn't get to visit often."

"I see," Chae Yoon said. Knowing how difficult this was for him, she wanted to keep quiet and let him talk unless it was absolutely necessary.

"She said something to me that made me worry that I was forgetting about Hwa-ryung and our baby," he shared. Meeting at Chae Yoon's gaze, he explained, "I don't mean to blame her. I just mean that her words made me think."

"I understand. May I... know what she said to you?"

Im Cheol-Ryung told her of the exchange, from what he was told that his father-in-law was weak, to his mother-in-law's worries about forgetting Hwa--ryung and finally he said the words that haunted him. "A new love can wipe off all the memories of Hwa-ryung," he said followed by a deep sigh.

Ha Chae Yoon let her breath out evenly. This was the tricky part. She was adamant in understanding  what he was going through, however, this was the part where he thought about breaking up with her. Her head understood the troubled headspace he was in. Her heart can't help but feel hurt.

But this was where all her courses about the human psyche and  negotiation worked to her advantage. Her brain still functioned and she knew what she had to do. 

She told him. "You worried about forgetting your wife and child so you thought about giving me up?"

Im Cheol-Ryung faced her fully. "Yes."

"That hurts," she admitted.

"I'm sorry," he said, keeping his distance because he did not know if he was still welcome to touch her. "I was just thinking that it was my burden and did not want to bother you with it so I thought leaving you alone was the best thing I could do."

"I don't like that you decided that on your own without consulting me," she informed him. "But I'll give you a pass this time. Don't do it again."

He looked at her hopefully.

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