Spellbound - 18

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Hong Ra-hee had known long ago why she needed to come back down from cloudland. She made a promise to her favorite grandchild and they both desperately wanted to keep it.

Hong Ra-hee had been thankful for the long life she was given and seeing her grandchildren grow up truly was a blessing. However, she and Ji-ho had a special bond so when she promised to come back and make him a great match, she knew she would move heaven and earth just to keep it.

Now, her promise had been fulfilled. Parting would be tough but, at least, she knew Ji-ho was with a woman who loved him as he should be loved. On top of that, she was blessed to get to know this woman, Kang Yeo-ri, who she now loved as if she were related by blood.

When Ji-ho and Yeo-ri finally were together, Hong Ra-hee expected that she would be called back to cloud land immediately. But, she wasn't. As much as she tried to recall what other business she needed to do, she couldn't recall any.

Then, the days passed and her mission became clearer.

There was the spirit of a young lady that she needed to help find her way home.

Ju Hui was floating around Ji-ho's living room, furious at Ma Jo-Goo. "I liked him for her! I actually liked him for Yeo-ri-ah! How could he do this to her?"

"We don't know yet what is really going on, Ju Hui-ah," Hong Ra-hee reminded her. 

Ju Hui rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. But you have to admit, it was not nice to get an diamond ring and other jewellery for Yeo-ri. Ji-ho has been nothing but kind to Ma Jo-Goo and understanding of his situation and then he buys an engagement ring for Yeo-ri?"

Hong Ra-hee pursed her lips. She had to agree. She was trying to be rational here, after all, hearing of Ju Hui and their potential power as spirits, she did not wish to cross the line and hurt Ma Jo-Goo. However, Hong Ra-hee had to admit that keeping her temper down was tough... and getting more difficult by the second. 

Agreeing with Ju Hui that the move was very shady, Hong Ra-hee still reminded, "Let's still try to play nice. Ji-ho is being calm about it. Let's not get mad."

Ju Hui huffed. "Oh well, I understand Ma Jo-Goo, I guess. Do you know that Yeo-ri-ah used to be so famous in school because she's so pretty? She had a lot of admirers and they adored her even more when they knew her because she's funny and kind, too."

Hong Ra-hee listened to Ju Hui's story patiently.

"I saw how sad Yeo-ri was when they broke up," the younger spirit continued. "And I remember assuring her that she did nothing wrong and Ma Jo-Goo would realize his mistake and come back. I really wanted to be right... but not now that Yeo-ri's so happy with Jung Ji-ho."

"Unfortunately, we cannot control the timing of things," Hong Ra-hee said. 

Ju Hui sighed again. "I'm really happy for Yeo-ri and Ji-ho. When Yeo-ri was asking us for some privacy? Oh! I was so thrilled for her! And for the first time in a really long while, I wished I could go to cloud land already. My best friend is happy and I could rest now."

"You have a good heart, Ju Hui-ah."

"I owe her. All her troubles with dealing with people now are mostly because I isolated her," Ju Hui admitted. Turning to Hong Ra-hee, Ju Hui smiled brightly, "Yeo-ri-ah and I always prayed for a good person to be our partners in life and we would  say looks don't matter... but we would always swoon for the handsome ones in school! I'm glad that Yeo-ri gets to fulfill our dream."

Leaning closer to Hong Ra-hee, Ju Hui said, "I know I'm supposed to go with you when you return to cloudland, Grandma. But, can we wait to make sure Ma Jo-Goo doesn't cause any more hurt to Yeo-ri-ah?"

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