The Pirate - 6

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A/N: This chapter is mostly flashbacks as King Jeongjo recovers his memory.


"It's still raining!" Yeo Wol complained.

Her latest travel kept them apart for longer than expected because of terrible weather. Yeo Wol never lost faith that Jeongjo would be waiting for her but she was getting antsy. It was a feeling foreign to her as she was not one to dislike goodbyes and exploring new shores or jumping to a new adventure.

But now, she found herself wanting to come back. She found herself missing his face and his laughter. She found herself calling his arms... her home.

"Why is it raining so much?!" she complained when they had been delayed for three days.

Cheol-bong gave her a look. "Because it's a storm? What did you expect?"

Yeo Wol huffed at him and stomped away, banging the door to her room in the lodgings they were staying at on land. Jang Sa-jung knocked a few moments later and handed her food. "You have to eat. Do you want the King to hang all of us if you come meet him looking like you've lost weight?"

That made Yeo Wol smile and take the food offered. "Do you think the weather will take long to clear?"

Jang Sa-jung sighed. "Yes. A few more days at least."

Hearing that, Yeo Wol pouted again. Shaking her head and frowning, "I can't believe I actually want to see that man's face and count down the days until I can be with him again."

Jang Sa-jung chuckled. "I hear that this is the problem with love. It changes you."

Yeo Wol nodded. "It is both good and bad. Spare yourself the confusion."

Her friend nodded but did not dispute her statement. "Rest. And stop frowning. You might be angering the gods with that awful frown that's why they keep dumping all this rain on us."

Jeongjo and Yeo Wol were apart for over three weeks. As soon as the ship was close enough, she took one of the ropes, swung down and ran to where Jeongjo stood.

Of course, they did not hug because his guards were around but it was obvious that the effort to not touch each other in public was so great.

"You're still ugly!" Yeo Wol sighed happily.

Jeongjo looked around before he pointed to his face. "Surely you do not mean me. I am the most handsome man in this town and I just put down a royal order that no one can tell me otherwise."

Yeo Wol giggled. "I guess I have to keep saying you're handsome then."

Jeongjo nodded. His gaze caressing her face, he whispered, "I missed seeing your smile, my Captain. Welcome back."

"I missed you, too. I don't want to leave for a while," she said. Summoning all the courage she had, she asked, "Is there a way I could stay by your side?"


"Are you sure about this, Captain?"

King Jeongjo stared at Yeo Wol who was now dressed in borrowed clothes. She was in a plain top, same coloured pants and boots, her hair tied up and hidden in a cap. No one could tell if she was a man or a woman. Unfortunately, even with all their attempts to disguise her, no one could deny that her face could catch anyone's attention for it was just too perfect.

For the next two weeks, the Captain would pretend to be the King's servant.

Yeo Wol nodded. "You have ordered that I will stay in your room, yes?"

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