Personal Taste - 16

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A/N: another update but this is a short one! I'm currently away from my laptop and updating via mobile is challenging for me. If time permits, I will have another update tonight or early tomorrow! We are almost done with this guys!


A few more days.

A few more days.

This was all Joo In-ah thought as she sat across from Han Jae-Kyung again for another dinner date. He arrived quite late and part of her wished tonight's meet up would be cancelled, but half an hour later, Jae-Kyung walked in.

As she often thought when the date started, she hoped her mind was linked up to Hoon's and she would think, "I'm so sorry, Hoon. This will be over soon. It's you I love. You. Only you."

Sometimes, she could see glimpses of the man she used to like especially when the conversation focused on work. However, she mostly feels horrible on these days — because he made her feel yucky when he makes sexual overtures and allude to the times they were together which has significantly progressed.

A few more days, her mind chanted.

"Do you remember our trip to the beach? That was a really hot weekend," Jae-Kyung was saying now. "You're really something else in those beach wear."

Again, she felt her skin crawl but she did not say anything. "We has a good convention on cybersecurity. Do you still have notes on that?" In-ah asked, changing the topic.

"It's been years and there have been new developments in the field. My notes are obsolete," Jae-Kyung replied. "But, what has not changed is how you look. You still look amazing. And that body..."

In-ah turned away. She knew she wore a dress that flattered her but it was only because she wanted Hoon to see it earlier. She succeeded in making him drool and was thrilled at his note saying, "You look amazing, Ms. Joo. I can't wait to have you in my arms again."

In a moment of vulnerability, she was unable to help herself and asked, "Is lust all that is between us, Hoon?"

Hoon was in her office within minutes. "I'm rushing to a meeting so I can't stay long but I needed to clear this." Cupping her face so her lips were pressed together so closely, he pressed her nose to hers and whispered, "I love you, Joo In-ah. How could you doubt that?"

"I don't. I'm sorry. I just —"

He cut her off. "Apologize to me in bed."

In-ah laughed. "Okay. Now run! Your boss will kill you if you're late!"

Now, Jae-Kyung was leering over her. Yuck, she thought.

"Let's head to my place," he suggested.

Joo In-ah felt panic rise in her chest. The Inspector had warned her that this could happen but to face it was still jarring. She did not want to sleep with Jae-Kyung but she also did not wish to blow their cover when they were so close. Trying to deflect, "Jae-Kyung, I told you I've changed. I don't just jump into bed with men."

"I'm not a stranger. We married before," he shot back in irritation. "I'm done waiting, Joo In-ah. I've been patient with all these dates and now I want you the way we used to do it."

"Han Jae-Kyung, I will not —"

"Come home with me or those files will be released to Lee Hoon's colleagues. His past is an open book but everyone has secrets and I'm sure there are things not everyone would have been aware of.  Besides, technology these days is amazing. There are pictures now where there didn't used to be. We'll see how he fares at work tomorrow," Jae-Kyung warned.

"Don't you dare ruin Hoon with deep fakes or even hold his past over him," Joo In-ah shot back. Tired of just taking all the crap for the past weeks, she found herself replying, "You forget that I can destroy you, too."

Narrowing his eyes at her, Jae-Kyung stood and pulled her by the wrist, basically dragging her out. "Do not make a scene."

"You're hurting me," she said, tightly. "Let me go!"

"You are going home with me tonight and I will remind you how much you came when we were together," he hissed.

In-ah could feel herself starting to gag. No, she did not want anyone but Hoon touching her. Panicked, she looked around for help.

"In-ah?! There you are! I've been looking for you!"

Joo In-ah and Han Jae-Kyung turned to the woman who greeted In-ah. Bounding up to them, the woman gave In-ah a buss on the cheeks and  pulled her close, effectively releasing her from Jae-Kyung's hold.

"You promised me drinks, remember?"

Joo In-ah stared at Ha Chae Yoon, who was signalling her to play along. "I, uh, yes, of course. I'm sorry I forgot."

"Well, we have to celebrate my engagement so I won't take no for an answer," Ha Chae Yoon pretended to pout, linking arms with Joo In-ah completely cutting her off from Han Jae-Kyung.

"Sorry but we have important plans," Jae-Kyung interrupted, attempting to pull Joo In-ah close to him again.

"We won't take long," Ha Chae Yoon promised, still linking arms with In-ah. "How about you have a boys night out, too?! My fiancé should be around here."

Scanning the crowd quickly, she waved to someone and then Ha Chae Yoon called out, "There's my handsome man."

Next to Hoon, this would probably the most handsome man Joo In-ah had come across. He was dark and oozed sensuality. Ha Chae Yoon pushed Jae-Kyung to him and bid them farewell while pulling Joo In-ah with her.

When they were safe in her car, Joo In-ah started shaking from the ordeal. Ha Chae Yoon checked In-ah's wrists and then rubbed her arms. "You have a bruise but it should be okay in a few days. We should still document it."

Joo In-ah nodded, still in a daze and shivering. "He's unsafe to be around. That man should be warned," she informed the Inspector.

"He can take care of himself. Besides, he knows the situation," Ha Chae Yoon assured. "And I forgive you for ogling my HUSBAND," Ha Chae Yoon stressed, hoping to distract Joo In-ah.

"I wasn't... he's your husband?!" Joo In-ah asked in disbelief. "Wait! The detective?! He's the detective?!" Joo In-ah asked.

"Yes," Ha Chae Yoon replied affirmatively again. Smiling gently, she continued, "You no longer have to worry. They're making the arrest tonight."

"Oh my! Really? Really, Inspector?" Joo In-ah asked, hopefully.

Ha Chae Yoon nodded. "We'll stay in the office for a little bit. Cheol Ryung will let us know when it's safe to leave. He told me he'll check on your place as well before we let you head home."

When they arrived at the office, Baek Jang-mi called, which Ha Chae Yoon put on speaker so Joo In-ah could hear. "Are you safe?! Did that man hurt you?! I swear I'm going to gouge his eyes out when I see him."

"Yah! Why are you making those threats? Tell Tae Gu he hasn't made love to you enough," Ha Chae Yoon teased.

"Hush! The reason I'm not on video is because I'm still naked. I'm letting him rest before I jump him again," Jang-mi said, making Chae Yoon and In-ah giggle. "In-ah, just give me the word and I will slit his throat."

In-ah shook her head, "No. No. I don't wish him harm. I just want him to stay as far away from me as possible."

Words In-ah almost took back later when the Detective called. "We're booking their group and the NIS will be involved. However, Han Jae-Kyung said something that's bothering me."

"What is it?" Ha Chae Yoon asked her husband.

Im Cheol Ryung did not reply directly but asked, "Can you ask Joo In-ah to contact Lee Hoon? I suspect he has been harmed."

A chill ran down Joo In-ah's spine. "No, please no."

Dialling his number, she hoped against hope that the Detective was wrong. However, when a couple of her calls went unanswered, she feared the worst.

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