The Pirate - 10

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A/N: Suggestive content.


"Find him."

Word had gotten out that the King just arrived from his most recent travel and was in the marketplace he often frequented.

Based on previous observations, the information they obtained was true and they often found the King where they were told he was. However, the attack had to be planned well.

They tried to search for leaks or possible weaknesses in the King's closest guards but they had found none. According to their sources, the King was a kind man who helped the guards and their families, treated them fairly and paid them well so the men and their wives or families were loyal subjects.

"Surely there must have been disagreements?" the governor asked the informant.

"He does have a temper and has gotten mad at times but never in a bad way," the informant said. "The guards are loyal and they are protective of the King. I almost was caught because they have been suspicious with people who ask too much about the King."

The previous attacks had been planned in advance and then executed when he opportunity presented itself. The group had a master plan, however, they still needed to find the best time to go through with it. For now, they didn't have it so they carried out the minor plans.

Hearing that the King was in an open market place gave them an opportunity. Hurt of disable the King and then take over the government, the governor could do it.

It was a small group but they found the King while he was strolling along the pathways, talking to the merchants about the current state of their businesses. A woman, who was a known pirate, stood beside the King.

"Attack," the governor gave the order.

The King turned to see the a man running toward him with a knife and he called out a warning to the crew. The pirates immediately drew the swords and defended him.

"Take the Captain to the ship and leave!" Jeongjo called out to Cheol-bong, who was providing them cover.

"No!" Yeo Wol bit out, holding her own sword while taking cover in one of the merchant stalls. "Clear the path so that Jeongjo and I could board. No one gets left behind... especially not you!"

"Captain, you have to go," Jeongjo insisted. "We have the baby to think of!"

"I know," the Captain insisted while scanning the path to the docks. "And I am certain our baby would understand if I did everything I could to protect you."

Jeongjo was going to protest but she continued to instruct the crew near her on which path to clear. "You have to go East and then take the most direct route to the ship. I'll take the South West roads and meet you there."

"Take care, you hear?" Jeongjo reminded her. "I'll see you in a bit."

But, when she arrived at the ship, the King was nowhere to be found. "The assassins followed your route thinking the King was with you so he turned back and distracted them," Jang Sa-jung informed her. "He asked me to put you on a carriage so you didn't have to run, worrying that it might be bad for your condition."

"WHERE IS HE?!" Yeo Wol demanded, scanning the dock for any sight of Jeongjo.

She kept the rage in her in order to push back the dread that was beginning to creep in. But, for every moment that she could not find him, her blood slowly ran cold.

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