One Night - 23

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A/N: Double update today because I needed something lighter after the past chapter. We are almost done with this fic!

Mature themes on the second part of this chapter. Please proceed with caution.



Hyun Ji-ho ran into the hospital room straight into his Uncle's arms. Jin-heon was seated at the couch waiting for his discharge orders and was surprised to see his favorite little boy. "What are you doing here?"

Hye-ji responded. "He didn't want to stay home with his nanny. He's been so worried about you that he slept fretfully."

"Are you okay now, Uncle? Does this hurt?" Ji-ho asked, poking the area around Jin-heon's bandage.

Jin-heon flinched because the area was still tender. "Hurts a little bit, Buddy."

Ji-ho pouted. "Did they catch the bad man, Uncle?"

"The police are working on it, Ji-ho," Jin-heon assured.

Hugging Jin-heon again, Ji-ho whispered, "I love you, Uncle. I'll be your nurse so you'll get better soon."

"Awww. Thanks, Buddy," Jin-heon returned

"I love you even if you're stinky," Ji-ho commented, pinching his nose.

"Hey! I took a bath," Jin-heon defended, as the others in the room chuckled.

"Stinky," Ji-ho said, shaking his head and keeping his nose pinched.

Im Soo-ah stepped in. "It's probably the medicine the doctor put on the wound," she told Ji-ho. 

Ji-ho looked sad again. "Can we put the magic band-aid on Uncle's wound? I have one in my bag that matches his underpants!" He was so persistent that the doctor allowed Ji-ho to place a couple of his band-aids on top of the one the doctor placed.

When Jin-heon's parents arrived, they brought in a security team who briefed them on the arrangements that will be followed while they were still trying to track Woojin who seems to have disappeared.

For the following week, everyone will be living under the home of the Hyuns. Kim Yun-hui agreed to this arrangement because, according to her, "It will be safest for Soo-ah and I don't think I can keep her away from Jin-heon while he's recovering."

Jin-heon groaned, "Thank you everyone for the concern, but I really am fine."

"Yes, but since you were the suspect's last target, we can't rule out that he might come after you again," the police said.

"And since you'll be living with Abeoji and Eomeoni, we couldn't keep Ji-ho away from you so we're moving in for the week as well," Ji-Sung told his brother. "Heads up, Ji-ho has informed us that he will be sleeping your room AND we agreed."

"YES!" Ji-ho declared. "Uncle and Ji-ho partners is the best!"

Jin-heon laughed. "Yes. Just make sure you behave or else Teacher will make us face the wall again."

"You were the one who was naughty!" Ji-ho defended.

"You were!" 

"No, you were!"

Im Soo-ah coughed. "Do you boys want to face the hospital wall?"

"No, Teacher," Jin-heon and Ji-ho said in unison. 

The group was escorted out of the hospital to the short trip to the vast family home of the Hyuns. Upon arrival, Jin-heon and Soo-ah were shown their (separate) rooms since the others had already settled in. 

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