Confidential Assignment - 13

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On Friday, the secretaries decided to watch a movie but Baek Jang-mi already had plans. With Min Tae Gu, she had to meet the agents to work out the exit routes  in case anything went wrong on the drop on Monday.

It was a good thing because Jang-mi was having doubts about Na Wol Suk.

Jang-mi found her chance to swipe the portable thumb drive but just as she made her move Wol Suk held her wrist and stopped her, shaking her head. She dreaded what would follow and was sending signals to Min Tae Gu that she was caught.

He arrived in record time, walking in as if nothing was amiss. Still, he waited at the visitor's area until she could leave.

"Do you think she said anything to Cho?" Min Tae Gu asked.

"I don't know," Jang-mi admitted.

They reported to the latest development to Agent Kim. "She knows. I'm sure she knows what I plan," Jang-mi insisted.

"Jang-mi can't go back. It's even less safe for her," Min Tae Gu added. "Can't you work with the information she's already given you?"

"We just want to make sure we have as much information as we can get," Agent Kim informed them.

"Will you be able to use that drive if she steals it?" Min Tae Gu questioned. "If that evidence will be thrown out anyway then let's not do it. It's too risky."

"She's safe," Agent Kim assured.

"How do you know? She's alone there. She was already hurt before. How can you assure us she won't be put in more danger if she goes back?" Min Tae Gu spat out.

Placing a hand on his, Baek Jang-mi caught his gaze. Turning to the agent, she said, "I'm sure you understand where Min Tae Gu is coming from and I do not wish to be in harm's way if it will cause him any distraction."

Agent Kim looked at her then the angry man behind her. Signalling to another agent posted by the door, he seemed to be waiting for something to happen until finally...

"Na Wol Suk?!" Baek Jang-mi called.

"She works for us, too," Agent Kim informed.

Na Wol Suk was a former cop, let go because of some administrative issue. Also wanting to redeem herself, she was offered this job.

They were told that the agency wanted to cover more bases in the office and Na Wol Suk didn't have access to all the documents. Jang-mi's talents were required to fill in the gaps and, if it reached the point where they had to steal some documents, Jang-mi would be in the best position to do so.

"So all of this swooning for Pyo Chi Su was a lie?!" Jang-mi asked, accusingly.

"Oh, no no. I really do love that man. Still," Wol Suk clarified.

"Oh. I was hoping that was fake," Jang-mi said, making Min Tae Gu laugh.

Wol Suk told them that the backup done today was a decoy and the drive would be updated on Monday just before the drop. "That's why I stopped you. You might have been discovered and they would not push through with their plans to transport the pieces to Min Tae Gu's shop."

The group decided that it was best for Baek Jang-mi to not report to the office ahead of the drop on Monday. "That would be the perfect opportunity to kidnap her," Min Tae Gu pointed out.

The next discussions focused on protection for Tae Gu on Monday night. Though it was normal procedure, Jang-mi was getting uncomfortable about all the talk about snipers and various guns. "Why are there so many weapons when he's just going to receive these art pieces?"

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