One Night - The End

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The two-bedroom suite was currently buzzing with activity. The hair stylists, makeup artists, florists, gown attendants, event planners, the bridesmaid, the bride's mother and, of course, the bride.

In the middle of all the chaos, Im Soo-ah stood in front of the full-length mirror looking at her reflection. In an hour, she was going to be married to Hyun Jin-heon and that brought an indescribable happiness in her.

Hair and make-up were done quickly because according to the makeup artist, "The bride does not need much! She is very beautiful already." That, plus Im Soo-ah requested that the makeup be kept simple. She wanted to still look like herself and she wanted to be able to kiss her groom without worrying too much about lipstick or foundation transferring onto him.

Now, dressed in the gown she had selected in Paris, Soo-ah smiled again. It was perfect and she couldn't help but feel thrilled.

"You look perfect, my dear!" Kim Yun-hui gushed at her lovely daughter.

Of course, Mothers would always say that about their children but today Soo-ah couldn't help but agree and it showed in her face. "I'm so nervous, Eomma. Is it really like this?"

"Well, I wouldn't know because I eloped with your dad," Kim Yun-hui chuckled.

Turning to the mirror again, she turned to see the gown from the back, before standing straight and fluffing the skirt. Holding her belly, she took a deep breath and whispered, "One more hour. One more hour."

"TEACHEEEERRRRRRR!!!!" came a loud voice with an equally loud knock. "I mean, I mean... AUNTIEEEEEEE!!!!"

Kim Yun-hui laughed along with the other people inside the room before letting the little boy in. Hyun Ji-ho looked so adorable in his suit and bowtie, with his hair slicked back. "Hello, Grandma!"

Running to Soo-ah, he handed her a box. "Teacher, I mean, Auntie, this is for you! From Uncle!"

Im Soo-ah pinched the nose of Ji-ho before she took the gift. From what she recalled, Jin-heon wanted Ji-ho's suit to match his. Seeing Ji-ho in a grey suit, she suspected that Jin-heon would have the same one and she already was certain that he would be the most handsome person later.

Sitting on the couch, she carefully opened the box. Her heart fluttered upon seeing the gifts Jin-heon prepared. As usual, everything was well thought of.

First, she saw a bag of strawberry candies.

"Coooooollll!" Ji-ho commented, promptly asking for a piece. "Uncle said that there's a letter for you and you shouldn't forget to read it, Teacher... Auntie!"

Following his instructions, Soo-ah picked up the letter inside.

Hello, Love! In a few hours, you'll officially be my wife. But don't worry, I still intend to spoil you for all the years that we will have. Here's your supply of strawberry candies. You can put them in the bag for you to munch on in case you get hungry during the ceremony.

Second, she saw a rectangular jewellery box. Opening it, she found a gold charm bracelet that currently had an Eiffel Tower charm and a strawberry.

I thought we could slowly fill this up with charms of milestones in our life. The Eiffel Tower is quite obvious, I know, but I like it because it matches the pendant you have and its where we first met, so it will always be special.

The strawberry is me. I know strawberries are your favorite and I AM your favorite, right? Don't deny it. You are marrying me, after all.

Soo-ah rolled her eyes but chuckled. He was overly confident but he wasn't wrong.

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