One Night - 10

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Im Soo-ah sat up and reread the message. 

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?"

She was grateful it was already the end of the day and declining the invitation was easy. She just had to say that she did not see the message on time. However, she knew that meant she might get invited again.

Im Soo-ah had to chuckle at her dilemma. Years ago, she thought that Woo-jin would be a good match for her since they seemed to want the same things in life: meaning they both liked being teachers and he seemed to be as boring as she was.

Of course, she did not mean to insult the man. She was just not interested enough to learn more about the person. But since he did not seem interested as well, she quickly discounted that idea. 

Then, there was Paris... and she was never the same.

She decided that maybe at some point she would have to settle for someone who she can live with but wasn't really that crazy about, but she needed to at least be attracted to the man.

But then, that man from Paris came back into her life... and she couldn't wait to kiss him again. 

Sighing, Im Soo-ah turned back to her phone. Thinking it was too late anyway, she decided to just reply at work the following day. When she crossed paths with the sender, she apologetically said, "Sorry, I didn't see your message at once."

"No worries," Woo-jin assured. "So? Maybe we could go later?"

"What do we need to discuss? Can't we talk here at the office?" Im Soo-ah asked, politely. 

Woo-jin chuckled and held her hand. "What I wanted to talk about is not really about work."

Im Soo-ah was so surprised it took her a minute to realize her hand was still in his, until a tiny voice called, "Teacher!"

"Ji-ho!" Im Soo-ah acknowledged. Behind him, Hyun Jin-heon took in the scene in front of him. His jaw clenched and his eyes betrayed the confusion he felt. Pulling her hand away, she asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Uncle said I can ride the bus today! Can I join you and Uncle?" Ji-ho asked.

Jin-heon approached carefully. "I'm sorry. I promised him yesterday. I should have asked you first." To his nephew, Jin-heon said, "I think Teacher is busy. You're stuck with me. Would that be okay, Bud?"

"Are you sure you know your way? You might get lost," Ji-ho asked, suspiciously. When Jin-heon laughed, "Bye, Teacher! If we get lost, can you pick us up at the lost and found?"

The two of them took a few steps forward before Im Soo-ah called, "Wait!"

Hyun Jin-heon and Ji-ho turned. 

"I'm headed out, too. I'll join you," she declared. To Woo-jin, she said, "If it's not work related, I'm sorry but I'm not interested. I'm... with someone."

They stopped by her office shortly to pick up her bag and some books before they started walking out. While Ji-ho chatted away about the trees and information he read about them, Jin-heon whispered, "You're with someone?"

"Hmm? You heard?" Im Soo-ah returned.

"Yes," Jin-heon replied. "I'm telling you now, if it's not me, I'm going to hunt that man down and..."

"And?" Im Soo-ah stopped walking, faced him and asked.

"I'm going to congratulate him for having such a wonderful, intelligent, sexy and beautiful woman who loves him," Hyun Jin-heon sighed sadly. 

Giggling, Im Soo-ah touched his face, running her thumb against his lower lips and whispered, "It's you."

Hyun Jin-heon made a futile attempt to control the grin that was threatened to escape. He leaned in slowly until...

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