Be With You - 1

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He watched her closely. It had been a few days now that he observed her movements. 

From what he could tell, her roles changed in the group she was with. Sometimes, she served as a distraction. Sometimes, she performed the task. She was quite smooth. One of the "better" ones out there. 

You wouldn't even know she had already picked your pocket.

She was moving in. In a split second, she was on her way to the opposite direction and he knew she was able to get her target.

Blocking h her way, he flashed his badge and said, "Detective Im Cheol-Ryung. You're under arrest. You have --"

Before he could finish reading off her rights, the pickpocket ran and soon a chase was under way. "Kang Jin-tae!" he called on his radio. "I'm in pursuit!" Informing his partner of his location and making sure he was going to be followed soon, he placed his radio back and ran after his suspect.

Though a lot shorter than he was, the woman was quite fast and turned into corners so quickly that he had to backtrack a lot of the time and push harder to keep up.  Finally, she turned into a corner that lead to a dead end.

"Stop!" Im Cheol-Ryung ordered. 

The suspect looked at him, eyes darting to the deadend that was currently blocking her. 

The detective knew she could make it if she wanted to run. But, to his surprise, she dropped the wallet and raised her arms. "I give up."

He approached her carefully in case she was planning something, but the arrest went smoothly from that point on. At the police car, she sat quietly and asked, "Do I get points for going with you guys willingly?"

Kang Jin-tae rolled his eyes. "Willingly? You ran away from my partner here."

"I eventually gave up. Can you please tell the judge to go easy on me?" she said.

"Miss, you really should keep quiet until you have a lawyer," Im Cheol-Ryung warned.

At the station, the woman gave a full statement. She confessed her crimes and gave them leads on the group she was with. Again, she asked, "Do I get points for this? Don't jail me for the rest of my life!" 

They made no promises but agreed to discuss it. 

"Why did you give up?" Im Cheol-Ryung asked out of curiosity.

"I'm tired," she replied. "In case you don't know, it's not a great thing to keep living out on the streets."

Before he left the interrogation room, he studied her face. Seeing remorse, he bid her farewell. "Good luck, Baek Jang-mi."

The station was busy with a situation downtown. A hostage crisis started by an international firearms dealer. Everyone was in an uproar but since the situation was ongoing, Im Cheol-Ryung couldn't get much detail.

He just knew that their top negotiators were on it. 

Done for the day, he bid his team goodbye and left for the night and headed home.

Home to his empty apartment. A couple of years ago, life taught him that he could experience the highest of highs and lowest of lows in one moment. Picking up the photo he kept at the entrance, he smiled at his wife and the ultrasound of their baby. 

"I'm home," he whispered.

Like he usually did, he waited for a few seconds. Maybe a miracle would come and he would get a response.

But, like as usual, he didn't get any. No one ever received a reply from loved ones who have passed on, right?

"You're the only one I will ever love, Hwa-ryung," he swore. "I'll be with you again one day. Please wait for me, my love."

Sighing, he headed in to prepare for his night. 

Like most of his days, he was alone.


A/N: I intended to write a longer chapter but life had other plans! Anyway, here's the beginning . Let's see where this goes!

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