Spellbound - End (2)

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A/N: Hi everyone! Sorry for this delay! Life happened and I didn't have time to sit down for the rewrites I wanted. Anyway, here is part 2 of the ending. =) I hope you like it. Thanks again for the love. Have a great weekend everyone!!!! 

Warning: some mature content ahead.


Director Jung Ji-ho.

His name was engraved into the numerous trophies he received this past year. The latest drama he directed was reaping numerous awards and he was getting a lot recognition and new work for it. The shelf Kang Yeo-ri bought was now filled with his awards, but what made it special were her notes. 

On one, she labeled it, I loved this movie of yours so much!

Or, Received when we were on our honeymoon

His favorite said, I loved your speech for this and it was a great reminder that I married the right guy

Of course, for all of that, there was the not safe for work version that they kept in a scrapbook under lock and key. Like for his 5th award on a certain year, Yeo-ri had a photo of them with the caption: 5th award for him that night so he made me scream 5 times for our private after party.

The awards also meant another thing: a secure future. Not to mention, he was now working with a lot of the country's top superstars, including Baek Jang-mi's favorite actor.

"Can I volunteer as his bodyguard for this project?!" Jang-mi asked, excitedly on one movie. "I can be his bodyguard, personal assistant, secretary, stylist... anything!!! Can you tell his team and put in a good word for me?! I'm available 24/7!"

"Yah!" Min Tae Gu protested. "You are not! Have you forgotten that we have a daughter?"

"No! It's just... this might not happen again... I just want to try! Please?" Baek Jang-mi reasoned.

"You don't have to beg. You know I'd support your work and even your fangirling for this ugly actor," Min Tae Gu replied to Jang-mi's annoyance. "But, all I'm saying is... not 24/7! I'm going to miss you! How can you stand seeing me suffer?!"

Jang-mi giggled at her husband's antics. Min Tae Gu's pout will always work on Jang-mi, whether he was truly pissed or not. "Oh, Darling. You're such a baby sometimes. Of course, I was kidding. Jung Ji-ho already told me that there may be long hours but there will be off hours. I would never work 24/7 because I need to be with you and my baby Aera. All my non-work hours will be devoted to you!"

"Just three weeks?" Min Tae Gu clarified.

Baek Jang-mi nodded, hugging him. "Yes, while they're shooting in the city. You know I can't stand being away from you for too long."

Min Tae Gu sighed. "I'll support you. I always will. But after three weeks, you're mine again, okay?"

"I'm always yours!" Baek Jang-mi corrected. "I just want to see my ultimate favorite up close this time. Ugh, why are we talking like this? I don't even have the job yet."

Min Tae Gu grinned. "You do. I've been pestering Directornim here to help you get any role that will ensure you're on set with that actor of yours. If the actor's agency doesn't hire you, you're going to be the Director's assistant."

"OMO! REALLY? ARE YOU TELLING THE TRUTH?" When Ji-ho confirmed it, Jang-mi jumped in Min Tae Gu's arms and peppered his face with kisses. "I have the best husband! I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Jang-mi skipped and hopped around the office that day. The way they left the office, Ji-ho was sure Min Tae Gu was rewarded well that night. 

While pre-production work was ongoing for that project, Award-winning director Jung Ji-ho was now busy with a side-project. A much more important one than any other movie or tv show he had ever done.

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